I am looking for a 1xAAA to use as a keychain light. But I’ve never been a fan of that worn out look that anodized aluminum takes on after a VERY short time in your pocket with keys. So I am looking for a natural finish stainless steel light. As far as requirements, I would like maximum brightness to be on the higher end of the scale for 1xAAA lights. Think 65+ lumens rather than 25 lumens. And I would like a light that runs well on NiMH rather than one that sacrifices NiMH performance for Li-Ion performance. I would also prefer a light that uses a more efficient, modern emitter (for instance, an XP-G2 rather than an XP-G or XP-E). But I’m not 100% on this. Any suggestions?
Trustfire XP-E F23
Trustfire mini 03 is on promotion on wallbuys for 11$.
Why not go titanium? Olight A3T very cheap from Banggood at the moment.
Preon P0:
[quote=Woody] Why not go titanium? Olight A3T very cheap from Banggood at the moment. [/quote]
+1 for Olight A3T, it's use latest Cree XP-G2 which producing quite floody beam and it's perfect for close range task. Generally i would choose single AAA which has floody beam rather than spot beam. Other thing to highlight is driver efficiency of well known brand light ( Olight, Fenix, Sunwayman etc ) is much better than budget light ( ultrafire and another fire's).
I think Olight A3T has similar beam like olight i3S, you can see the beam shot at my Tank007 E09 Review. There is also beam shot form much more tight beam as well on my review.
I know it is inelegant, but I use plastic button lights to carry when I have no plan to be outdoors at night.
An elegant solution, in polished SS from Maratac
Looks good. Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist.
If it is lighter and smaller, why not? I have an Inova Microlight I am going to modify with brighter Nichia 5mm LED.
Does exist, just out of stock. Nobody gave a time line and they claim to be expecting new stock in the next 3 months. One of the cleanest, highest output, most reliable small lights on the market.
The Fenix LD01 is also nice.
Isn’t the Maratac much the same as the Itp/Olight AAA?
So which is it, at Bangood, their Olight A3T says Titanium alloy, but it also says rugged aluminum body with Type III hard anodize…
Ttanium alloy
Total Emitters:
Max Output:
Maximum Range:
Rugged Aluminium body with HA Type III anodising
A Titanium light for $23? Really? Hmmmm, could be I guess but highly unlikely. Still, if it were SS that would be good, average for aluminum.
The design is similar when comparing the Maratac, I’ve had the Maratac and it was a very nice light. They now claim higher lumens, I think it said 115 or 125. Either way, they get hot very fast! SS isn’t a great metal for heat dispersal, then again neither is Ti but I have a weakness for it anyway.
Yes, same company.
Olight usually has Christmas sets, the ones I bought included an Olight M20 with a free titanium A3.
I like copper. We have a copper Maratac 123. For an AAA light the heat conductivity is not important, but I would probably get copper anyway.
Then again, is it REALLY 115 lumens? Or is it like the Tank 007 E09, which is rated at 120 lumens, but is lucky to do much over 70?
Do you have an E09? Want to trade?
The review I read on it looked good, the reviewer tested it a bit lower in output on NiMH and Alkalines than spec but higher on a Li-ion at 154 lumens. Tank007 ES12 But then, it’s a AAA sized light so it might not be what you’re looking for.