Looking for Canadian enthusiasts

Mostly on reddit these days, but found this site and you folks seem pretty awesome.

Just bought a TS22 and FC13S a few weeks ago and then had to buy 7 more FC13S as gifts since I loved it so much (btw they are 14.99 for Wurkkos Brand Day)

Looking for other Canadian enthusiasts for any good Canada resources… I feel some things have been harder to source in Canada.

1 Thank

Please enjoy your time here, hoodedwax!

Hi hoodedwax,

I’m also from Canada. I usually buy batteries from 18650 Battery Store - Trusted Supplier of Lithium Ion Batteries (not 18650canada.ca) or the official Vapcell store on aliexpress: Vapcell Factory Store - Amazing products with exclusive discounts on AliExpress

Other places are allways more expensive when considering shipping fees like liionwholesale, IMRbatteries, illumn.com