I’m looking for a good long range hunting flashlight and a new hunting Headlamp.
The long range Flashlight should make 150-200 yards in Red light mode and shouldnt be too large because I want to mount it on my Rifle Scope. 2 or 3 mode (Low/Medium/High) would be perfect. I dont care much about the runtime because i normally use the light just for a few seconds.
The Headlamp should be with White light and at least 2 mode Red light (high/low).
18650 Batteries are preferred, but any other rechargable batteries would be fine.
I am willing to spend about 100$ for both.
Can you recommend me some good and reliable lights?
I’m in the process of building several red lights for hunting. T20’s seem to do pretty good. CK does a lot of hunting lights and I’m sure he will be along to comment. As far as headlight, I love my nitecore HC50. It does have a red led but it’s only a very dim led. I don’t know of any headlamps with both bright white and red LEDs. For my lights I’m doing red xp-e2 in a jacob a60, a t20, and UF1405, and a red pt54 in a t08.
The red T20 that KKW is selling is a good light. I’d definitely take a look at it if I were you.
If not, another option may be to buy a HS-802 in red. It’s not a bad light (I have one), but its dim to me compared to an upgraded light like what KKW has for sale. Plus it uses older LED style compared to KKW’s light which is the most up to date red LED out.
Do I have to solder the XP-E2 if I want to Upgrade a Flashlight or is it a Drop-in?
I never modded a Flashlight and I’m not good at soldering.
The HS 802 would be an option if a Drop-in is not available. 20$ incl. shipping sounds like a good deal.
I’m from Europe and I think only the shipping from Kloeppers T20 would be about 20$.
Is there any difference in brightness between the 1x and the 2x 18650 Version?
I found the Fenix HP40 Headlamp with an 3 mode Red LED. A little bit expensive, but it’s the only Headlamp I know with an White and an Red Multimode LED.
KKW’s T20 already has the XP-E2 in it. If you bought a plain T20 you’d also have to buy a red XP-E2 led preferably on a copper star, buy a driver withe the correct current and modes, upgrade the wires, buy thermal adhesive, and put it all together and make sure it works. Yes there would be soldering involved. Basically figure $20 for the light and $25 in supplies, $5 for shipping so he’s making about $10 for the labor of putting the light together, focusing it, and ensure it works properly. $60 may seem like a lot but it really isn’t. Sure, you may be able to buy a red led t20 from china, but it’ll have an inferior led, inferior aluminum star, inferior driver, and inferior wires. Buy once cry once.
Well, being in Europe, you may have to pay a few more $ in shipping.
I dunno about the red T20. It’ll be using the same emitter as the 802. I know the 802 will get you to 100 yards, as I have one. I’m just not sure which would be better in stock form. I’d probably go with the 802 as it’ll have more spill with decent throw and not a pinpoint beam like the t20. Makes it better to track a running animal. Plus you can get a green and white drop in for it and a tail switch
You only need to be really good at soldering if you want it to look good, if you get the same parts I did and use thermal adhesive to attach the star to the pill so you can center it and not need a torch to reflow it, you should be able to do everything else but the dedome. I know guys are pushing you towards mine, but at $96 after tax and shipping I can completely understand that it changes the situation substantially.
Read around on here and you can learn everything you need to know to build it yourself and learn something new in the process. A win-win.
If you aren’t looking to get into modding heavily I’d stick with a simple nitecore or xtar charger. For batteries, look for some protected panasonic cells, either the 3100 or 3400mah cells.