Looking for jaxman u1c

Excuse my ignorance I am new here. Years back I bought a jaxman u1c for rockhounding. I am now a glassblower specializing in ultraviolet marbles. The u1c is the best light I have found for displaying these in videos. Unfortunately my customers never seems to get the same experience with their purchased lights. I can not find these anywhere anymore. Are there any comparable lights on the market?

I am currently working on building uv marble displays and would like some pointers on which diodes and drivers to use with the zw2b filters. Photo for reference. TIA

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The Jax U1C looks similar to a Convoy S2+.

I would recommend the Convoy S2+ with the Nichia UV emitter as an alternative. You can request Simon to install the ZWB2 filter on it. I have one and it works great.

It might be temporarily de-listed from the aliexpress store but it should be back soon, if it isn’t available right now.

Make sure you get it from Convoy’s aliexpress and not amazon or ebay, as those are often overpriced.

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Which one or does it matter? Will purchase a few one for a backup and one for the retail store i sell to.

Have a pleasant time at this friendly forum, fractalprism!

There’s a “S2+” model, it looks like this. Make sure to send Simon a message for the filter.

It uses a Nichia 276C emitter, which has less visible light than the Seoul used in the S2 UV

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Could you post a link to that? Thanks can’t seem to find that exact model. I found one with the 276a emitter but it appears to be 1.9w?

Convoy says that, but mine uses a 276C. They’re the same in practice, just incremental changes. The radiant output isn’t as big of a deal, if you really need a lot of UV there’s the S12 triple-emitter.

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wow this thing is absolutely mindblowing

I own an S2+ UV with filter, if you need any sorts of sample pictures with it to decide if it is a good pick, tell me. Decent camera is available, but sadly no UV reactive marbles for demo shots :smiley:

There is also this one which looks pretty promising: https://www.sofirnlight.com/products/sofirn-sf16-uv-flashlight-portable-black-light-365nm-sst08-uv-led-ultraviolet-flashlight

I do not know how good the SST-08-UV emitter in it performs though.

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Awesome I’ll check these out. Really want to have a supply of them eventually to sell on the website too for customers. They always end up with the wrong uv spectrum with no lens filter even after communicating something that might work(I have been suggesting the uvbeast v3 mini) but I have not used it myself. But people rarely go with the suggested item. At under $30 the s2+ sounds like the best option but the more powerful one would be better for product videos.

Still working on the marble stands. I make ultraviolet fiber optic rgb lit glass chanterelles mounted in resin coated drift wood. Putting those in small cabinets lined with 99.9% light blocking black fabric that I’m trying to figure out how to light with filtered 365nm uv diodes. Trying to do it cost effective enough to make them worth purchasing/making.


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Simon is definitely the right person to ask for that. Just be aware that you might need to sell them with the ZWB filter separately due to a patent troll.

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I don’t know who Simon is. All these stores I see on aliexpress seem random. I ended up buying an s12 from a random reseller on there. The only one I could find. I would love to keep at least ten s2+’s at a time in stock on the site…or maybe just have them drop shipped. Doesn’t really warrant any kind of discount at that quantity and I don’t really do high volume sales. Would be cool if there was though.

Simon is the owner of Convoy and runs the official store (as opposed to resellers/dropshippers), and has been having some problems with AE so some items are currently delisted, but he’s going to open his own store instead.

Oh right on I will definitely try and get a hold of him and use his stuff exclusively with my art sales going forward. Appreciate all your responses!

The official store on aliexpress is convoy.aliexpress.com

Also, Simon is on BLF, username @ Simon_Mao

Yeah sort of set up to be confusing on that site. I massively overpaid for the s12 I just bought this afternoon. Dont think I’ll purchase anything off AE ever again. My bad for not being able to search the site correctly I guess.

Ouch. I’d cancel that if I were you.

Yeah, AE does have a problem with impersonators and resellers.

Official listing: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804085512135.html

Plus ZWB filter (needs to be added as a separate item and you install it yourself, due to the patent troll): https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256801740369617.html

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It’s too late to cancel. Pretty silly I missed it…that’s like a few days worth of groceries right there. It was literally the only one that came up the first few times I searched for it. I will reach out to Simon directly for future purchases. I don’t like those sites they are setup to be overwhelming and confusing to someone who doesn’t regularly use them.

Simon is currently building his own dedicated webshop to get rid of (or at least, have a proper alternative to) AliExpress. Still a long way to go and not yet ready though.

But if you want to essentially resell, and hence purchase in bulk, I’d shoot him a message and ask. He might even be able to offer you customized models (special colors, special engravings) if you get enough, and it should be cheaper than regular consumer storefront + possible to sell with commercial invoice.

If you are US based - watch out though. There is a patent troll active in the US who somehow managed to patent “LED light with filter” (yeah, wtf) and keeps sending lawyer letters to anyone trying to sell UV lights with ZWB2 filters in the states. He’d probably sue you if you put Convoys (or any UV light really) with ZWB2 filters on them on your store.

I would just keep an active link to his website to avoid the headache I have been dealing with on AliExpress the last day since I paid double for the convoy s12. I would not want any customer of mine to deal with that.

AliExpres customer support showed concern. But it was patronizing, baseless and insulting. In the end the seller will get to keep the double price listing and fish for unsuspecting costumers that don’t know any better. It is legal theft.

I’m sure every product on that site has the same issue. It won’t ever be regulated and should serve as a reason to not do business with sites like this. Basically the same thing I told customer support. It’s not the individual who gets scammed who gets hurt. It is the loss of trust in the platform that ripples as a result.