Looking for my first headlamp (not Fisher price)

Had to look to see what you mean, but it should be okay.

I’d regularly “palm” my RJ02 with or without the strap when that’s all I had available (eg, vs walking 5’ to get a different light).

With could get a bit annoying if it’d drape itself in front of the LED (eg, shining downward), but without was perfect.

I have a bunch from the Olight H2r to the cheap Lumintrail Lth 20. Out of all the H2r is the brightest with the most floodiest beam. Cheap Lth 20 has a tight spot for distance. Fenix hp25r has the best of both worlds but heavy but the flood is weak. Best and most reliable light I have? Zebralight h600d mkiv. Bright. Nice wide hot spot. Beautiful spill. You can see the world as it wizzes past you while riding.

In your Zebralight h600d mkiv, does the beam have any noticeable tint shift from spot to spill?
I used to have the H600Fc and I wished it had more throw.

No tint shift that I can see. Just a wider than liking 17 degree hot spot as I use my light for fishing and hunting and need a tighter beam for distance. The flood Halo is gradual and offers great peripheral which more than makes up for extreme distance. But I do have a BFL sp36 on order to assist with that.

I wish they made an xhp35 high CRI version.

Only 80+ CRI but this is available: H600w Mk IV 18650 XHP35 Neutral White Headlamp-H600w Mk IV

80+ CRI is better than average, but I like 9050+ …

Alright, old thread but I never got around to replying :slight_smile:

I bought the SP40 (4000K) and like it a lot. I actually use it mounted on my bike, nice amount of throw and decent color (or colour, depending on where you live). I love the fact that I can just usb charge it, even though I have perfectly working 18650 chargers :stuck_out_tongue:

I also bought the YLP Panda 2M CRI . What a fantastic light! Just not for biking: way to big an angle of the beam and not enough throw. I love this light for the fact that it is very easy on the eyes, even though the light color would normally be a tad to white for me (I usually take 3k or 3.5k). The high CRI is really noticable and it makes walking at night a breeze, without straining my eyes. The only quib I have with this light is the fact that it is actually too floody. When I have it on my head it actually illuminates my nose (no comments please) and even some parts of my cheek. I think I am going to put a small piece of alluminium underneath the bottom rim to block out just that portion of the light. Best light for walking I could wish for!

The last one I bought is the Convoy S2+ (https://nl.gearbest.com/led-flashlights/pp_009177121511.html?wid=1433363#goodsDetail) (L2 T4-7A 3000-3200K I think). This is not a flashlight with an angled head, but I since bought a tactical helmet where I can mount “normal” flashlights on, so no issue. This light is my favorite all purpose light and my favorite helmet light. Perfect throw and nice flood circle, and for me the best light color I can have. Much more contrast then the whiter lights, I can simply see better with this color.

So, what I have on when I go biking now:
The SP40 mounted on my bike.
The S2+ mounted on my helmet.
A NiteCore srt5 mounted on my helmet facing backward (as a tail light, I use this light as backup: actually hate this light :P).
A WestBiking (Chinese) light that I can actually use on the road without blinding everyone, has a nice horn too :smiley:

I have enough light with this setup. But that’s not going to stop my from buying more of course! :slight_smile:

I like the tint on my new Sofrin sp40 (warm 3000k?) better than the Skillhunt H04 (nuetral white 5k?). Still trying to figure out the UI on the Sofrin.

The Convoy S2 is not as warm as my old Yinding bikelight so I think I will only use it as a backup. The S2 is a great light for the price but I have not tested it on the bike, It also has a bit less flood than the Sofrin so it would be better as a headlight than bar mounted IMO. Your setup with the Convoy on the helmet and SP40 on the bars is exactly what I would do with those two lights.

I will probably use the Sofrin SP40 on my head as it throws a bit more than the Skillhunt HO4 which has the TIR refactor lens. I Should have got the smooth lense for more throw, oh well, my old Skillhunt HO3 was my fav EDC before I left in the middle of a highway).

My next test will be to see which lights work best for hitting singletrack on the fatbike, not sure which one works best in the snow. I used the Yindig for the last three years and have no complaints but do not always need the runtime of a heavy 4x18650 setup and want to try some new budget 1X18650 lights.

Thermal stepdown on the compact headlights limits the usefullness of them for long downhills, I need a steady 750 lumins on both the bars and helmet for that. Winter riding extends the usefullness of the turbo/high modes on these little lights.

What I would like is a bluetooth remote control on the bars that cycles through the modes on the bar and helmet lights and also shows battery life.

I’d get the Sofirn version of the Boruit D-25 direct from sofirnlight.com and a 3400+ mAh battery .

Don’t need a lot of current, just run-time. The LED and driver in the Sofirn D-25 is an upgrade to the Boruit and cost a few bucks more. Buy two, have a spare and get free shipping (which is usually 3 weeks to Kansas from China these days). You can always get a high-end headband for serious use, but mine works fine hunting, fishing, hiking for hours- I prefer it over older third (top) strap headsets myself. You can always tape the buckles and “set it and forget it”.

Lately, I’ve been buying my batteries from 18650battery.com and they have great “deals of the day” and REAL AUTHENTIC batteries- so no Chinese “spin-the-wheel” games with fakes to worry about. They also have super customer service (as does Sofirn) in case there are any problems.