I am setting out to buy my first headlamp. I will be using it mainly for mountainbiking at first. But knowing me I will want to carry it with me for everything else as well.
I have never looked at headlamps before, but I do have a few requirements up front
18650 battery
Neutral or warm white (I like the BLF 4200k thing)
Slow drop off to dark, or at least a warning before the battery dies. I don’t want to be cought out in the dark suddenly.
Can be carried as an edc (i.e.: 1 18650 size, no battery pack or anything like that).
High cri is a nice bonus!
Right now I am a bit strapped, so I am thinking about 40$ (35 EURO) max.
What I have found:
H1 is heavy for headlamp.(It has other disadvantage too, but weight and size is enough to eliminate it from list)
H03 is good and mod friendly, but stock light ~5000K and low cri. Reflector with diffuser is not reliable construction and not well made. It is better to choose between Tir and reflector only version.
H600fc - just good headlamp, just buy and use. Good spot , good CCT, CRI, size, weight , and so on.
I have a Skilhunt H03 and and a Xtar H3 headlamp.
The build quality of the Skilhunt is very good and the tint is pleasant, not CW but just natural daylight 5000K, the TIR spreads the light very even, i am very happy with the Skilhunt (it also has magnet in the tail which is very useful)
Also, it uses a buck driver, so better regulation, i surely would recommend it
My biking headlamp is Thrunite TH10 V2. It’s a little over at $48 shipped with the 20% off code on their site. It’s a thrower headlamp so the light reaches down the trail. It’s also has a boost driver and XHP35 emitter so regulated output. I have a Zebralight too but find it too floody for riding. My bike headlamp before the Thrunite was a Sofirn SP40. You really can’t beat it for the price, you can find it for under $20 from Chinese suppliers. The Sofrin isn’t regulated so it gets dimmer as you ride. Because of that a battery lasts forever though.
The quality of the Boruit has slipped and in usual Chinese fashion some supplier has come along to make it cheaper so now there are clones of clones of a 12$ light and the 3 cents saved on the strap mean it may be ok and it may kinda let the light take a dive ...who knows .
Both are great lights and worth owning . The Sofirn D-25 version had the same issue with the plastic holder being torqued just enough to make the light come out too easily .. Probably easily solved with a piece of shrinkwrap or tape but irritating that manufacturers aren't smart enough to make products better ...rather than just shave off a few more cents
I’d say the SP40 is around 5000k. The dimming can be a great feature it just keeps going. You can also tell the battery level by brightness instead of taking it off your head to look at the indicator. It’s a great light and so far my favorite headband. Sorry about the dust I was sanding. Here’s the SP40 on my bike with a Zebralight headstrap. It just stays there with Velcro until needed.
The main light is an EagleTac MX30L4XC with 12x Nichia 219b and a Mountain FET driver. The two
lights on top are Zanflare B3. The bike is a 2004 Norco Downhill, I converted to electric. The bike is 84v 4000w (40x Sanyo 20700a) with 12v 240w dedicated to lighting. The display is a universal electric vehicle controller there’s a wattmeter on it showing the power used by the lights.
Unfortunately I’m a little late but I was going to point out that the SP40 is available in both 3000k & 4000k tints at the official Sofirn Store on AliExpress.
You’ll like it’s an awesome light. My parents are in the Red Cross and recently went to help with hurricane relief. I got them SP40’s. In my mind it’s the most useful emergency light. Works as a right angle EDC light, headlamp, has USB charging, simple UI with hidden turbo and it continues to produce light for a longer time over regulated lights.
I like the Thrunite for biking but I feel like I’m watching the clock. It
only runs 90 minutes on high. I’m also worrying I should have brought a few spare 18650’s. I don’t have to think about the SP40 ,I can just ride.
Sp40 was going to be my recommendation. The h1 is at a great price point but the weight is not ideal and the strap isn’t the greatest. Otherwise I love most convoy products.
Love my YLP. The was planning on recommending it until I saw him say that using it in the hand as a flashlight was important as well. The 2M’s form factor doesn’t work quite as well for that.
I have owned the Skillhunt and the Zebralight models you mentioned in your post.
Skillhunt quality is good, but it doesn’t come close to the Zebralight. Ended up selling the Skillhunt as it felt cheap in comparison.
The Zebralight feels more like a high end vehicle. Much nicer aluminum finish, nicer button, recessed, programmable UI, list goes on.
The Skillhunt is more like a Hyundai Accent.
I would go with the Zebralight for the high CRI 4000K tint, over the skillhunt.
If you don’t want to spend much money, go for the Skillhunt especially if you can mod the light and swap in a high cri led.
I would also keep an eye on Armytek lights. They have promotions occasionally and you can get yourself a Wizard Pro at a good price.
YLP Panda CRI looks like a great option if you want to stick to your budget.