I purchased one of those cheap chinese headlamps with three led lights on the front from Amazon that claims Cree, and a ridiculous 8000+ lumens. It was actually quite comfortable for its size and weight being that it has two 18650 batteries. I am looking to upgrade to something more reliable and more long term. I have been doing my research and I have narrowed it down to the Zebralight H600Fd Mk IV 18650 XHP50.2 Floody 5000K or the H600Fc Mk IV 18650 XHP50.2 Floody 4000K. I will be using my headlamp for walking thorough the woods, and mostly camping. I am leaning towards the 5000K as it looks more whiter to me which I prefer. Any suggestions, and will I see a big upgrade from my chinese headlamp?
Thank you.
Edit: Is there any resellers in Canada for Zebralight?
Zebralight is considered the higher end of flashlights I feel so yes you will notice a big difference. I am in the same boat as you deciding on a headlamp. Zebralight seems to balance brightness with long runtime which I like. I’ve read many people order direct from zebralight so check their website and see what shipping would cost.
Thank you for your quick reply. I do enjoy the idea of the long run times of the zebralights even with 1 battery it will probably run circles around my Chinese one.
do you have lithium batteries and charger? that’s a added expesnse you need to factor in. The battery should last for years, i get mine from local vape shops.
I have the 4000K Zebra and I am happy with it, though it did not see extensive use yet. I like the 4000K, the tint, it is almost mule - very floody, which I also like for a headlamp. Of course I do not use the maximum mode most of the time, so use inside Samsung 35E for longer runtime. There is also cheap good one - Skilhunt H03, which is perfect for the price, yet if you put both side by side, you immediately want the Zebra, if you do not account for the price difference.
I have a Nitecore HC65. And I love and use the versatility. The main LED puts out a 1000 lumens, the warm white reading LED is really amazing, and the red LED is perfect for preserving night vision, or keeping bugs away when I am fishing or camping.