Looking for the farthest throwing light I can find (on a budget)

Ok… So I’m new here, and new to budget lights in general.
I’m trying hard to avoid asking a lot of noobish questions, but I guess I’m making an exception here… :bigsmile:

Just for the fun of it, I want to get my hands on something that will throw a beam like nothing I’ve ever seen!
I see a bunch of lights that look like they should fill the bill, but I have no idea how to tell the difference.
I definitely want to keep it under $50, I’d rather keep it under $40.

1 or 2 18650s are fine.

I would recommend either the HD2010 which is around 35 dollars or the STL-V2 which is around 45-50. The HD2010 runs off of 1*18650 or 1*26650. The stl-v2 runs off of 2*18650s it probably has slightly better throw than the HD2010 but only by a little bit.

Both of these will shoot a beam up into the air and are a lot of fun to play around with. :D

Skyray/Fandyfire STL-V2 is your best bet. It’s $40-$50. The Jacob A60 will throw almost as far as the STL but will be much less bright overall. The advantages though: it is smaller, it only requires one 18650, and it’s about 1/3 the price. Happy hunting!


Final summation:

HD2010: only takes ONE 18650 or 26650 battery. $32

Skyray STL-V2/Fandyfire STL-V6 (both are identical): takes *TWO*18650s only, slightly brighter and throws slightly further than HD2010 (not that perceivable). $51 on manafont, but if you look on aliexpress you can get it for $37, which I did.

Jacob A60: only takes ONE 18650, throws the same distance as HD2010 and STL-V2, however it has a significantly smaller hotspot, meaning the total light output is lower. $15

Those are the farthest throwing lights in your budget using reflectors. I don’t have much experience with aspherics, but I know a Crelant 7G5-V2 with the Collimator head (aspherical) can push out up to 133k cd, which is more than double the other options (around 55k cd).

Some links:

STL-V2 compared to others.

STL-V2 compared to 7G5v2 w/ collimator head <— Note that the 7G5-V2 is close to $90, and the collimator head is around $34, and they seem dim because I put it on low exposure, so the hotspot sizes could be compared. But if you’re thinking of spending this much money, go for the 7G5CS which just came out and should be slightly better.

Collimator head for 7G5V2 and 7G5CS

You can’t go wrong with all the lights mentioned above.
I would also like to add this to the list Small Sun ZY-T13 from Manafont.

Here's a link to a trusted, US-based vendor selling the 7G5 - V2 for $66.


I got mine there, and can highly recommend both the light and seller.

Good Morning,thanks for the link.Could i ask[im new ish].Why not go for the v9 t6-650lumens at $9 more with free shipping?
Size perhaps?.I have emailed them.They dont seem to ship to many countrys.I have asked why not to the UK.


It wont throw nearly as well. Observe the head diameter.

I SEEE.Thanks


I second this suggestion.

The shop has sent me an email.They dont ship to uk.Hes going to get some prices for shipping.Says the reason he doesnt,is that its so expensive.We shall see also if its then worth it.


Just got mine through today. Will have to wait until tonight to see how it performs.

That’s weird as that’s the exact torch I ordered a few weeks ago from the same place (I’m in the UK - hope they know UK is United Kingdom and not Ukraine or something…). It arrived today.

I did sorta think that myself pal.E mails are below.

Shipping charges overseas is very expensive.
I do not understand how the other sellers are doing it so inexpensively. I am investigating several options for overseas shipping.



USA Distributor for Crelant Flashlights
Stocking only the best and brightest from
Four Sevens

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Date: Sat, September 15, 2012 5:32 am
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Why can some of your flashlights not ship to uk?i have been intrested in a couple of your crelants

Thank you,
The Quick Shopping Cart Team

How does Small Sun Zy-T13 fare against the HD2010?

Yeah I’d like to know also.

Me too.

Been out and had a play with my Small Sun ZY-T13 tonight. Very impressed so far. Nice bright spill and a large hot spot and good throw. It out throws my XP-E lights. Although I reckon my 200 lumen 3D Mag XPG aspheric still slightly out throws it. But with a much smaller hot spot and next to no spill. I’ll have to try and get some pics.

So many suggestions!
So many flashlights!
So little money….


I’m just about to place an order for the Jacob A60. I know it’s not the brightest one around, but for $15 I just can’t resist….

I’m keeping all the suggestions in mind too, for next time!