Looking for THROW suggestions w/ some guidelines

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I’ve read a few threads that are asking about throwy lights. I’ve read every thread I can find and wanted to see if I could get some help narrowing down my choices. For reference of what I already have (of significance):
Nitecore EA11, Astrolux S1, Zebralight SC62w, Thorfire TD26 diving light, and a 3 XML T6 2x18650 light.

Probably the “throwiest” of these would be either the TD26 or 3xXM-L T6….which are not that impressive IMHO in terms of throw. I have several 18650 cells but only 1 26650 (which came with the Thorfire TD26).

Why do I want it?
No really special reason. It is not for work or even for anything very specific…other than the idea that we have a rather large crop field at the end of our subdivision, and sometimes it would be fun/cool to take something with throw out there to show the kids some deer or other animals at a distance. I tried that last night and all I could get were some eyes reflecting back at me with the 3xXM-L light (not enough light thrown to distance to light up the animal).

Budget? Thinking $65 or less for reasons I’ll mention in a bit.
MOD or stock? I don’t want to mod nor do I think i’m capable. I had a hard enough time replacing the emitter (board and all…i.e., just de-soldering and re-soldering 2 little wires, in my Astrolux S1).

I THINK I’ve narrowed it down to the following choices:
Manker U21 - Leaning heavily towards this one. I like the small form factor,side switch, design, and the flexibility of 18650 and 26650. (reason for the $65 upper budget limit)
Convoy L2 - like the form factor, kinda neat to be able to run extension if desired, lower cost than Manker
Convoy L6 - I know it’s a beast from reviews. I’ve seen it may not be quite as throwy as the 2 above, but bigger hotspot and way more lumens. Not real keen on the longer form factor and 2 cell requirement, but kinda hard to ignore for the price compared to the Manker.

Sorta considered the Cometa (seen a couple for sale on here recently), zoomie kinda nice for flexiblity, but wasn’t necessarily on my list of qualifications.
Also, sorta considered a C8, but I can only assume the first 3 are going to outperform most stock C8’s without mods.

IF it matters, I am pondering the purchase of the BLF Q8 or some similar multi-cell mainly for the awesome flexibility of cell usage, runtime and flood.

SO, talk me into or out of the above. OR, bring a different light into my view. As stated, the top 3 are where I’m leaning. Let me know if I need to clarify anything else. Keeping in mind, although not of ULTIMATE importance, I only have one 26650 cell right now….but will admit, their extra capacity is enticing and I am not completely against getting a couple if need be.


PS. For some reason I thought there was a 4th light I was strongly considering, but it’s left my mind at the moment.

Convoy L6 will do the trick.
Just buy some decent batteries with it and you wont regret it :slight_smile:

I think those 3 are good choices.

The cometa will be have the most throw at around 150kcd. This will depend on the cell used since it is direct drive.

I think the U21 has around 120kcd

And I’ve read the stock L2 starts at 110kcd then quickly falls to around 80kcd. (Caused by the driver)

The L6 has around 60-70 kcd stock I think.

Klarus XT11GT XPL35 HD E4
1700 OTF lumens
with coupon on Candle power forum its below your budget

or Nitecore EC4GT XPL Hi V3

Manker U21 with HXP35 Hi
very focused throw
1300 OTF Lumens

The Convoy L6 is quite a powerful one, but you need at least 2 protected 26650 cells that add cost

Thanks for all the replies! Would love some more feedback from anyone who’s willing or able. I have to admit, I am tempted by the sheer power of the Convoy L6, but unless I’m completely confused, the Manker U21 (and maybe even the Cometa zoomed in) appear to be able to light up objects more effectively at a greater distance.

I’m still trying to learn the “REAL” difference between lumens and kcd, but it appears higher kcd is what you want at distance and sheer lumens gives more and idea of a broad area being lit up more effectively.

Still listening for anyone who wants to recommend anything over the other and reasons why if possible. :slight_smile:

Think of a red laser-pointer as low lumens but high lux. Ceiling bounce will barely bathe the light in a dim red glow, but will fry your eyeballs if you look right into the beam.

A red road-flare is high lumens but low lux. Lots of light to brightly light up the room, but so dispersed that you could still look straight at the “beam”.

I got an L2 because I just needed a nice thrower, and comparing all sorts of lights, it was one of the few/only with lux in the triple-digits.

Lightbringer, Good info!

So the XPL hi Version is what you want then probably.

What is the difference between the C8 XPL hi and L2 XPL hi comparing lumen/lux/kcd, can you Tell?
I am very interested as well.

Depends. I get really nice throw in a C8 clone from an XP-E2 at only 1A. Small chip, hence the smallest hotspot in a C8 that I’ve seen, even though raw lumens is quite low (200-250?).

I’ve also got a C8 with an XM-L throwing maybe 700lm, but because the hotspot is much bigger, it lights up more close-in, but doesn’t have the same throw as the one with the XP-E2.

The XP-L HI is an XM-L2 chip in an XP package, and the HI just shaves off most of the dome as to not have a “magnified” chip, so the hotspot’s smaller than the XM-L/XM-L2/XP-L.

Ignoring spill, if a hotspot is twice as big, that’s 4× the area, so intensity is ¼. So to maintain the same intensity/lux/throw, you’d need 4× the lumens.

Those are just generalities. For given lights, you just need to measure.

I don’t have anything at all with an XP-L HI (yet). I ordered a few bare emitters, but haven’t even reflowed ’em yet.

I’ve compared my XP-E2 C8 and my bone-stock L2, and the L2 has more throw. Nice tight beam from the big reflector…

That’s pretty much all I can tell ya, as I don’t have any doodads to measure lm/lux/etc.

The C8 is way more pockettable, though. Lighter, smaller. The L2 is for when I want to light up owls in trees hundreds of feet away.

Thanks for the info, i always thougt it was more the construction of the head (combination lens, reflector, size of lens, reflector, depth, and shape of the emitter) that makes the beam. Interesting to know that sizes of emitters and so on are responsible as well, so even i am learning every day :slight_smile:
I have to say that all this is very addictive.

What emitter does your L2 use?

I do not know why lumen or candela value of my C8.
But there is a good photo which you see the difference between XM-L2 and XPL-HI versions.
Tree is the right 100m distance.

Here you can see the factory L2 100m distance:

Here you can see the factory L2 200m distance:

As was said above, good info/analogy! Thanks!

Very good beamshots! Nice comparison

Yep, 1pic = 1kword.

About shows what my experience is, too. The L2 is a tighter beam that holds it together farther out. ’Fcourse, it’s like holding a small brick compared to a C8…

And the 2 C8s show that difference nicely in the emitters.

You could always get a custom built light from Richard.
If you are in the states then I could suggest an already modded (built) C8 from Richard at mountain electronics. It will run you like $45 or $50 ready to go and have a lot of throw.

I have several C8’s that I have modded myself , 2 of them with a dedomed XM-L2 U4 1A emitter and FET driver and they throw well , especially for the small sized light. 2 of them easily make 400 yards of decent seeing light , with light beyond that. I can make out trees and larger objects at over 500 yards with them. The run times are decent if you just use the turbo only when needed. In the next lower mode (high mode) I usually get around 45 minutes from the Efest 3000mAh High drain and in the lower modes of course the times just get longer.

Or the Convoy L2 already modded from Richard could be another pretty decent thrower , but would run a little more in cost.

The L6 is a total monster in output butt does not come close to even the C8’s I have in distance , as the L6 is blinding at anything under 50 yards in highest mode , but does well to about 300 yards to see an abject well and after that the beam is really diffused a lot.

Here are a couple beamshots from the Thorfire C8 I modded as described above and very close to what you would get from Richard if he built one the same way. Have Fet with Noctigon and dedomed XM-L2 U4 1A in this one and springs bypassed both ends , making 4.91 amps at start and levels off around 4.7 after 30 seconds.

Control Barn 140 yards

Barn 140 yards

Control 500 yards

Far Treeline 500 yards

Control 125 yards

Here is the L6 at 125 yards.

Woah, that is quite the monster C8. If only it lost the crenulation on the bezel and had a deep carry pocket clip! :smiley:

The C8 paired with XP-L HI and a FET driver is one of the most impressive compact lights one could build, if I had to keep only 3 lights from my collection a modified C8 would be one.

However the output drops with time and quickly on direct drive mode, so if you’re looking for a thrower with regulated output I suggest you get a 2-cell thrower like a maxtoch, it should blow anything this size out of the water even a modified L2, but it would surpass your $65 budget.

Also take a look at the Acebeam EC60, it uses a 26650 like the U21 but it is much more compact with similar performance.

Acebeam…. Very nice looking but only DOUBLE my intended budget. :slight_smile:

Yes the Maxtoch 2X should exceed even a modded L2 , with the 2X as it comes straight out of the box , for just under $100 it is at this time about as good as you will find price and quality wise for any light , that is lean thrower that will reach 1200 plus meters.

I am a little bias with the 2X and the new M24 both though , as I had a hand in the development of both the current generation of the 2 lights , so take it for what it is worth…….lol

I’ve definitely seen the Maxtoch 2X around the threads as well. But, unless I change my mind, I just don’t like how big it is….at the moment at least. Plus, the current price since I’m not in on a GB.

And, I’d like to think I’m not really looking for the “looooongest throw” necessarily….as the field range I’m looking at is 200-400 yards. So, that’s why I listed what I already had….wanting at least better than that. BUT….as I’m sure many on here would sympathize, the chase for the “ultimate” or “best” in class is always lurking in the perimeters of my mind….


I’ve recently picked up a C8 XP-L HI and it is a lovely light, very glad I finally popped my Convoy cherry. Still need to get it out somewhere where I can see how far it’ll actually throw.

Out of interest though - Cometa vs. U21 - which has more throw?