Looking for UV Light - Convoy S2+ Nichia vs Sofirn S16


I am looking for a new UV Light. I did some research and many people recommend the Convoy S2+ with the Nichia UV LED. Now I found the Sofirn S16 which seems to be new. Nothing to find about it. It uses a SST08 UV LED. I like the USB charging port of the sofirn.

What do you think. Will the SST08 be competitive to the Nichia in the convoy?

Could only find this review of the Sofirn.

Lack of filter would be a deal-breaker for me, that said you can buy the filter glass on AliExpress, so you could modify the light to be better.

Just to add another option: Lumintop ToolAA 2.0 UV

I have one and couldn’t be happier.


Thats a totally different flashlight. The SF16 is kinda new. It has a black filter as well!

The Lumintop looks great. But I still like the sofirn on paper a bit more, because of the USB Charging function

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What does the filter do.

It blocks most of the visible light that the LED produces.

Which helps the objects that fluores to really pop.

Check Convoy S12 with 3 UV emitters and black filter (included or you can buy it separately).

I’m not sure which UV light is for you, but in case you are interested, I had this comparison not so long ago
Convoy C8 UV vs S12 UV
Maybe it helps.

A filter is pretty key .

The alonefire lights on amazon have usb c charging and random uv emitters and hosts. They work probably about as well as the sofirn and all have filters.

No filter is pretty much a dealbreaker for me.

At least with the S2+, if one’s not included, a 20mm filter just drops right in.