Trying to find the maker or seller of this cell. My Google foo has failed.
You may be able to find something similar on AE. I think Lumintop used to sell them loose, but only on request.
Did you contact Mateminco.
The 46950 is available on AE now but I haven’t seen any 46120 liion yet.
Mateminco wants me to buy the light.
Oh ok, I thought you have the light and you want a spare battery.
There are various recent press releases about Samsung SDI making 46120 cells for BMW. This older article about BMW 46xx-type cylindrical cells mentions CATL and EVE as battery manufacturing partners.
The EVE battery usa website lists 46120 cells.
Thanks, that’s the one I’m trying to get specs on. I Google 46120 42000mah and get the chines forums but no one list where they got theirs from.
Contact Eve for the specs.
I finally found them.
I am assuming one company makes them and no choice in that regard.
It’s for BMW made by CATL or EVE Energy, I think.
Thats some great detective work. I searched several times and couldn’t find them. I also contacted EVE twice to purchase 46800 cells and never received a reply.
Beyond the MT90/MF05, are you aware of other lights that use the 46120?
Those are the only lights so far. I’m wanting some for DIY tube power banks. Maybe if we treat these like the 26800 cells and ask for suppliers and extensions. When the Lumintop Mach 4695 came out the 46110 tube and battery were also available. Being on the spectrum I had to have more so went from a tiny 46950 32,000 mah battery to larger 46110 38,000. Now if I can upgrade to the 46120 42,000 I’ll do it. The Mach 4695 moonlight of a 140 days went to 166 days, now if only with another upgrade get 184 days I’ll try it.
For practical purposes as a power bank I can charge phones, tablets, other lights and laptops for hours. The 46xxx series of batteries are being designed for up to 2000 cycles, twice of what our 18650-21700’s do. So to the manufacturers that extra 15-25mm’s in length means very little but the extra 6,000 to 10,000 mah means a lot more.
Just a little something extra. I’m hoping that there is some standard on thread pitch and diameter.
It makes sense that if you’re going to go big, you might as well add a bit more for enormous gains. I also bought into the 26800 battery tubes when Aloft Hobbies carried the QB26800 cells and have enjoyed the extra capacity.
I hope the powerbank kit you linked works in your favor. Flashlight thread pitch, angle and profile has been all over the spectrum with no standards. Even Convoy lights that “should lego” together often do not. If the powerbank tube swap doesnt work out, you will still gain an awesome powerbank for a reasonable price. Please post your results if you decide to go that route.