I’ve found several threads on boosting the output of the F13’s driver by bypassing the resistor bank, but I actually need to drop the output to 0.8~1.0A (preferably with the stock driver).
Can I just neuter 2/3rds of the resistor bank?
I’ve found several threads on boosting the output of the F13’s driver by bypassing the resistor bank, but I actually need to drop the output to 0.8~1.0A (preferably with the stock driver).
Can I just neuter 2/3rds of the resistor bank?
maybe if you remove 1-2 resistors will drop
Pop them off one at a time till you get what you want. If even the last one is too high, put two in series.
Hehe, so… Is there a simple formula for sense resistance vs output for this driver?
I’m actually trying to slightly overdrive a UV emitter mounted on a noctigon. Spec says 700mA, but I’m betting 1A won’t fry it… At least not quickly
Sadly, my craptacular backup multimeter goes up to 250 mA, so direct testing isn’t an option right now. I am impatient enough to do this blind if I have some numbers to work with!
Or you could use one of these and put enough 7135 chips to get your wanted out put
Heh, thanks, but I’ll just wait until the weekend to buy a better meter.