Lost my Unicorn :-(

Maybe Lumintop EDC18 is an alternative too!

Hopefully they can set up some distribution through India or Turkey. They are folks like you and me trying to make a living, and had nothing to do with this current bs.

So naive

In dubio pro reo. Much better concept than collective guilt b/s.


To anyone reading this thread: How much control do you have over your own leaders and governments as an individual? Do you honestly think having your income removed would make you more effective at protesting your government’s actions?

lets not get political

if the OP wants to buy a Unicorn, he can, either from Amazon USA, or direct from YLP… both sites will take the order…

if he wants a Zebra instead, since he is in USA, he can buy one of those too.

there is no shortage of purchase options… and no need to make the discussion political

But fact is that for direct from YLP and Amazon USA it will be shipped from Russia, but YLP already verified that they can’t ship outside Russia at the moment. That’s nothing political, it’s just not possible to get one if you’re outside Russia.


What do you think of CollectEverything's post from today (in this thread)?

Looks pretty political to me, and that's what I think jon_slider is referring to.

I think the message was rather that the Unicorn isn’t available in our countries, not denying that there were political postings.

I don’t think advocating for common sense (don’t be prejudice against the population of an entire country) is political.

I agree, but that's not the issue at hand.

thanks, I had not seen that:

Thanks, so OP is out of luck, he cant buy a Unicorn from Amazon…

he can buy one from France:

or, maybe he will buy a Zebra…

Drawing attention to the fact that the Russian people are just people like you and me.

Seemingly implying that every Russian shares equal guilt for Putin’s initiatives.

Subtly protest at the implied assertion of Quadrupel

Me trying to get people to think about what Unheard said and why collective guilt makes no sense.

I consider acting on this concept of shared guilt to be an example of prejudice whereby the action or inaction of individuals is assumed based on the group to which they belong.

Are YLP lights made in Russia?

I had a related inquiry here at BLF a few weeks ago re: current availability of the Panda 2M CRI headlight. I'd queried YLP about availability with no response for well over a month now.

There's nothing on the Panda 2M CRI box I have that indicates country of origin. Perhaps if the manufacturer is Chinese and could be identified, YLP lights could be purchased direct from the manufacturer? I'd be in for a couple more Panda 2M CRI's.


Russia has isolated itself from the rest of the world internet. Although some of the outside world has cut off internet traffic in and out also. It’s hard to imagine there are any communication methods left. Instagram, Facebook etc has been blocked. PayPal,credit cards, etc, nothing is going in or out. Likely no mail in or out. What few airplanes were flying is likely coming to a halt very very shortly. No spare parts and no way to certify that they are airworthy. The citizens have no way to pay for services such as vpns so that doesn’t work. The government doesn’t want any outside information coming in. None of that is a political position on my part. It’s reality.

Oli, they have internet, VPN and TOR if they like it. They just support war, is it so difficult to understand.

Right, so if your government went to war right now would that be your choice? If you didn’t like it would they stop? You’re being ridiculous.

I belive the OP was looking for a Unicorn, not a discussion on foreign affairs…

Fair enough. I just think when someone is being toxic towards the entire population of a country they should get called out for it.

If your government killing people and you do nothing about it, you are same murdered.
BTW manufacturer contacts is in manual.