Lucky 13th birthday GAW closed eebowler winner!

HBD but not “in” if my post comes up add 13 to it and make that member’s day :slight_smile:

happy birthday miller

I want you to enjoy it…

but if I have to have something a mtn driver wouldn’t go astray

enjoy the day

thanks all :blush:

Oh great! now, everybody’s gonna want to be number 54 so they can have two chances to win! :smiling_imp:

Oh yeah, speaking of Lucky 13th birthdays… I have a Niece who was born on a Friday the 13th!

Happy lucky birthday, The Miller!

Happy B-Day, and thanks for the giveaway The Miller! Over 4000 post…WOW!!!

If I won, I would like…I don’t know, really! Well, First let me win so after I will choose something :money_mouth_face:
Thank you very much!!!

Hey man, Happy Birthday To You et al :smiley:

Thanks for this chance, Miller! Should I win, I’m setting sights on the new Convoy C8 with ToyKeeper’s shiny new Biscotti firmware. 20 bucks would go a long way for someone in too dire financial straits to get even an estra-budget light like Convoy, I tellz y’all :confounded:

Right too easy, I’ll PM if mine comes up with a multiple of 13 LOL

Happy Happy, Joy Joy!

In true hobbit tradition, you are giving the gifts on your birthday.

Is it possible to apply the GAW money to a Q8, whenever they become available?

If not, then… we recently purchased an older motorhome, and would like to update her with led lighting, solar panels, dc-ac converter. Your generosity would help a lot.


Hey Miller Happy birthday mateeee.

I would like to buy a wife? Hahaha

Thanks friend.

Happy birthday!!!

I will buy a usb rechargeable flashlight or a new charger

Happy Birthday Miller!

I’d love a Nitecore TIP if they’re carrying them and if not I would wait or get something else like a C8.

Happy birthday The Miller.

I would choose a Lii-500 or a lux meter.

Lol, I don’t think you will get much of a wife for $20.

Well, I’ll jump in on this one…

Not exactly flashlight related, but I would like to get one of the little quad-copters they sell on Gearbest… Not sure which one, but I’d probably kick in a few bucks of my own and go for something like this:

(Although, I really could use a good analyzing charger. I’d probably actually end up ordering this:
Liitokala Lii-500…)

Happy Bday!!!

i will get some good batteries or a F13/convoy m2.thanks.

Happy birthday King Typo!

If I were to win I’d buy a purse strap and clamp on attachment ring and mail it to you so you’d stop whining about how hard it is to carry the L6. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok seriously though, I do not wish to be in the drawing but I do wish you a very happy birthday my friend. I enjoy our friendly banter and appreciate your work here on BLF.

Cheers! :beer:

That new Reylight Pineapple that Dale just reviewed is what I would get from BG.

And blush again, thanks

Mate, don’t look to China (GB/BG) for a bride, the population is kind of flipped by that one child policy and well it seems Russia has lots to offer judging by some ads I got served :smiley:

J-Dub74 I love my L6 26650 purse, been bugging Simon for a pink one ever since I discovered the tube and tactical ring can be mounted the other wat around so a strap works fine. Why do ypu think Simon ia not answering you, he is busy getting the pink pigments :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool to read all those things people want, I want all of you to win now, thanks that some nerds found out back ground radiation from space is truly random :wink:

happy birthday to you Miller ! But Henk4U2 will steal the GAW for sure again! :sunglasses: