Lucky 13th birthday GAW closed eebowler winner!

No, he is NOT!! Please read post #4 :innocent:

Henk4U2 thanks to your wife!

Happy birthday Miller!
I’d like to get a new set of 18650, so I’ll be ready for the Q8 :smiley:
In the meantime, I’ll use them in my powerbank :innocent:

Happy Birthday to The Miller!

Happy Birthday the Miller. :partying_face:

(I’m NOT in - just have a Happy Birthday.)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Miller!

I will leave the prize for others.

Happy Birthday Miller, Wish You All The Best.

I hope you enjoyed your birthday. I think I’d like to get some rotary tool attachments.

Birthday Wishes to Ya. !
If I won, I’d like to put the prize voucher towards the Silver Convoy L6.

Happy Birthday Miller!
If I win I’ll buy a new flashlight. :sunglasses: Maybe a Manker or Astrolux. It has never been me.

Happy birthday you old codger. I’m in for one last fling. :+1:

Gotta say, this is the one GAW thread I’ve ever seen that’s fun to read new posts in. :nerd_face:

If I ever do one, I’m gonna have to remember it to get people to post meaningful content.

Hey man thank you and Happy Birthday !
I would LOVE an Airayland T5 !

Happy Birthday man!

I’ll play…
Yesterday my wife pointed out to me that I have spent just over $400 on flashlight stuff and I have only been here for 3 weeks… yikes! So no more ordering stuff for me for a while… however…. If I win I would very much like the new Copper Reylight, the one he calls the “Pineapple” I believe…

Have a good one!

Thanks! It was a good day. Last rubbish out of the river, I could restrain myself in asking a C8 or L6 in clear ano :wink:
A d at night rain, after two months of dryness.
Trees happy (I am not going to water trees you know) bamboo happy (I am most certainly not going to water 400m2 of bamboo :wink: )

Fesso, you had me there (I was expecting a purse, Lady survival/defending stuff, a pink phone and then BAM another flashlight :smiley:

How rude of me…I was so proud of my butt crack joke that I forgot to say happy birthday. Happy birthday!

hahahaha and I was laughing so hard about I totally missed it Willy!

Happy Birthday!!

I would like some INR18650-30Q’s :slight_smile:

Happy birthday The Miller.

I would choose RC car :crown:

Late to this thread but I hope you had a happy birthday!