LuckySun D80 29K LUX! @ 3.65A, AR lens, SS bezel, XML 18650, 41mm head. Integrated pill

Pregulla Pov

This is an official representative of DinoDirect.

Double checked and we can Confirm that our flashlight Lucky Sun D80 are carrying XML2 .

Thanks for your support :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

We have approved your order. You will get it soon :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Yes, he does seem to say its 3.65A on turbo. I was also pleased to see him report 29k lux. Its a nice compact size imo. My big lights just don’t get that much use, has to be easy carry for me.

Flomation, did you try again or pm the blf dino rep?
Code works.

Flomation, what do you mean “and got F%^&”? The discount will show up before you complete the order.

If you somehow placed an order for a higher price then just PM that BLF dino rep who posted above. I bet he will adjust, refund, whatever. Code works for me and others above say they used the code. :~ It would be bad business for the rep to not fix your price.

Flomotion, this is a family-friendly site. The cursing, even with asterisks, is not appropriate. Please keep it clean. ( I had additional comments here, which I deleted after re-reading.)

You’re making me sorry I deleted the rest of the criticism… Grow up!

Yes, such as: no cursing…


Just contact Gaby, explain a mistake was made during checkout, and if she can Paypal the difference back to you. I’m sure she’ll refund the BLF discount you were supposed to get, plus the return charge thing, which you had an option to check or not.

DinoDirect seems like they are pretty serious to regain some business from the BLF. In fact, this was the first time I’ve purchased from them myself. Let’s all give them a fair chance with this new GB and see how it goes.

Believe me, if it goes wrong, you can bet the Admin will ban them permanently.

Rules?? Seriously?
Scdaf reminded you about the forum rules on cursing yet you continue. Your not a new member or anything.

I don’t get it. Your so pissed off you can’t PM them to have them fix it? Its sounding like you just hate dino and are trying to cause trouble.
Code works. Read above. Others have used it. I’ll take you a screenshot if needed.
Scam? What is dino just targeting you. Making the code fail for you?

Guys, your arguing with an invisible person. :smiley:

In case anyone else is not clear, this is where the code goes.
In your cart, before checkout. :bigsmile:

LOL…the ADMIN removed the posts before you arrived.

Na, I was watching. :smiley:

Oh , I did not find what Flomotion said under the thread due to time difference. I am sorry that when you are talking about the code sun , I was sleeping.

From Pov, scdaf and Richie086 ’s words, it seems that Flomotion does not like DinoDirect and even want our site banned. I just checked, there was one order which did not use the coupon code sun . I think that is Flomotion’s order. Flomotion , if you do not want this order, I can CANCEL it now . Just post what you wanted about your order in this thread, I will do as much as I can do to help.

Thanks Pov ,scdaf and Richie086 for your supporting :bigsmile: :bigsmile: DinoDirect will sincerely accept BLF members suggestions to be better and better :wink: :wink:

Dino rep. Gaby

Thank you, Flomotion has accepted dinowallet money $5.4 which is equal to the coupon code sun $5.4 . We have delivered his account $5.4 . There is no problem now :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

this light looks very cool

Those of us that have purchased this beautiful light, what brand 18650 cell are you all going to use in it, whether protected cell or unprotected? The best 18650’s I have at this time are my Redilast 2900mAh’s

Any suggestions?

Apologies are due for BLF Members and DinoDirect: There was a misunderstanding on the mechanics of using the Coupon, but Gabby Gaby has put much work into making the Transaction go smoothly, sorry …

Flomotion/ Boyd
