I like a lot of light output and I like titanium. But titanium is not good for heat-shedding, so I suggest a titanium flashlight with a middle-section of a different metal, like this Astrolux:
In the Astrolux the middle-section is made of copper, but I think copper is too heavy, so I suggest a (black anodised?) aluminium middle-section. This will work (almost) just as well, looks good is cheaper to make and is more lightweight.
I suggest a flashlight with a different shape as the Astrolux X6, I would prefer a flashlight with a smaller head and smaller reflector, tube shaped, or tube-shape with a slightly wider head.
I agree with blueb8llz one the size of the D80 would be great!! But with a smoother transition between the head and body.
There are a ton of 16340/18350 Ti lights already out there… SWM V10R Ti / M25C Ti, Niteye Eye10 TiC, Eagtac D25C Ti, BLF Ti, Jetbeam TCE-1 / TCR20, Olight S1 Ti, Manker Timeback… the list goes on. I feel you would have to do something extremely special to make it stand out in that company and I just can’t see it happening.
My biggest suggestion would be to keep it simple. Don’t go over the top with cutouts everywhere, lines, different textures etc…
I prefer PWM over PFM because at the lower modes the lowered frequency of PFM could become visible and audible. The PWM frequency should preferably be over 10kHz, but I understand that some type of drivers become inefficient at that high frequency. I think that most people prefer efficiency over high frequency. But the PWM frequency should certainly not be lower than 4kHz!!
dear djozz, what LED(or battery) maybe better if we make ti flashlight, XHP35, OR XHP35 HI? ORXPL HI? and the battery? thanks for all your suggestions,
Hi BLFD80, I can not really answer that question, if you ask 20 people here on BLF what led and battery this light should have, you will get 20 different answers.
I can only give my personal opinion, and many will disagree with me. My personal favourite titanium flashlight would be 18650 battery powered with a XP-L Hi led (XHP35 could only be interesting when driven to 2000 lumen output, but a small 18650 light will not handle the 25W of heat that it produces, even for a very short time), the battery tube slim tube-style with slightly enlarged head (say 30mm diameter) and a widened ring (also 30mm) near the tailcap machined as one piece with the battery tube (‘tactical ring’ for grip).
AFAIC: 18650, PWM, Just moon-low-med-huig, no strobe, no bells and whistles, not even hidden. Metal clicky at tail, tail standing, room for 1,5x6 trits. LED: 5500K Cree or Nichia. Not concerned with high CRI. Price below €50.