Lumintop FW3Avn519a HCRI Mule Giveaway

I agree.
Even though I didn’t enter the giveaway, I think either Vinh or sb should use
I trust those two people for this particular task more than anyone else. :+1:

I feel lucky to have survived all I have.
‘God’ knows I got my money’s worth a long time a long time ago.
No regrets … thanks for the giveaway!

My greatest achievement by a long shot is my daughter Saiya, I almost lost both her and my wife during the pregnancy. Now we cherish everyday together with her and give her the best and brightest (she’s 4 and has a D4sV2) life we can. As far as regrets I have not one, you take what life gives you, do your best and learn from your mistakes. Thank you Vinh number is 7

If you’re still accepting, I’m in.

My greatest achievement according to my kids was getting them through college debt-free, so that they started out in their adult lives without undue fiscal burdens.

As for regrets there were plenty but I would rather not dwell, its not healthy.


Thanks for the GAW.

One of my biggest achievements in life would be owning my house at the age of 44. Lots of memories was born here and shared with family. One of my biggest regrets was sports betting. I highly don’t recommend it.
Thank you for this opportunity for a certain type of light that that’s not very common. My number is 3009

until someone draws new entries are OK

… so the winner is determined by whoever decides to choose a winner?

I think it would probably be more fair for you or sb to do it, as G0OSE suggested.

Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 12.15.36 AM

Whoever is closest to 4559 please email me to claim you prize!

Nice to see you around!

Congratulations! You appear to be the winner.:flashlight::clap::flashlight:

2 Thanks

Yep, I think you’re right, Cochise334ever.
Congrats on the win, Coscar! :partying_face:

1 Thank

Huh? I dont know what to say… I cant believe it !!! Jeeezzz I just barely got in.
I have had so much bad luck lately this really caught me off guard.


Are yall sure? I still havent figured out how to know if 4364 is the closest to 4559. Do I have to do math for this?

There were not that many entries. Just look through the thread and you’ll see that you’re the closest.

The next closest was 3009. And then me at 2733 so you were much closer than anybody.

1 Thank

Thanks Cochise
I dont even know why I chose 4364 … I am totally shocked!

1 Thank

Thanks for the Giveaway Vinh … I cant believe I actually won…
Email sent

Nothing beats feeling like a winner :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Thank

Congratulations Coscar! and thanks to Vinh for the king giveaway!

1 Thank