Lumintop GT4

Funny how much the GT4 tracks that thermal design with the heat sink in place… being integral the fins are much deeper and much more effective, can’t wait to see the GT4 in action! :slight_smile:

What! ? ! ? ! … GT4 listed on Amazon?:person_facepalming: . :person_facepalming:

I think you mean the GT mini?

Some sort of April 1 joke…maybe?

Maybe justanotherguy…. :wink:

I think TA overlooked this part of the link…

  • /LUMINTOP-GT-4- 4119-Edition /

I’m dying for some details on the GT4. TA let’s see some beamshots from your prototype lol

I tried getting some beamshots but could not get any that really did it justice. It is really hard to capture a high output light like this and make it look any better then another light.

I have faith in your ability to make it happen haha

Not so hard if you can just put both lights in the same beam-shot. No need to make it look real. Just show how the two compare.

Yeah, I don’t have a good light to compare it to right now though, my GT is disassembled at the moment for a mod and I don’t have a GT70, so the closest thing is an L6 which is just overpowered by the GT4 to the point it does not look like it is on lol.

I will get one, I just need a larger space to get the beam shot, might be time for a trip to the creek.

Or blind your neighbors, whatever works lol

Looking forward to some beamshots to get an idea of the GT4’s beam profile. My AceBeam X45 (also 4 x XHP70.2 but with a much shallower reflector) is an excellent little thing, but sometimes I’m wanting just a little more throw. The X45 is about 6cd/lm and I think something between 10-30cd/lm would be ideal for my preferences (although I don’t really care what the GT4 ends up being, I’ll be getting one either way :smiley: ).

The GT4 beam is basically the GT70, just ~3-4x as wide of a hotspot and 3x the lumens to give you an idea.

VOB generally has great success getting good beam shots. Could always ship him your prototype. :wink:

But slightly less throw correct?

Thanks, TA. That sounds just like what I’m wanting. Looking forard to it.

perhaps less throw yes.

Yep, that is the plan and part of why I have not put a lot of effort into beamshots. I have been more focused on the issues and technical side of things.

To be perfectly honest I wish it had not been announced yet, I much prefer to have things basically ready for production before announcing it.

Once I know I am done with the prototype testing I plan to send it to VOB. Lumintop is just being very slow to give me updates so I am in a bit of a limbo at the moment.

Correct, I am not sure what the final throw numbers will be in comparison to the GT70 but I am guessing 10-20% lower.

If you need a GT70 for a good beamshot comparo, I can loan you mine

I’ll ship it to you, you ship back when you’re done…

Thanks for the offer. I have an XHP70.2 mcpcb that I can install into the GT to turn it into the GT70 but I am short a driver.

It has been rainy / foggy the last few days so bad beamshot weather anyways. I plan to go out to the creek soon and at least get some shots there.