Hey There! I was just scanning the forum seeing if anyone has done a review yet and it doesn't look like it.
This is NOT a Review.
Im just sharing some pics and thoughts. No one has asked me to do this - Simon nor anyone else, I am not receiving anything for this
I know there has been interest in this new LED and little information online about it because it is so new, so i figured i would start this thread showing some beam shots I took of the M21c (8amp driver, sft40 6500k) i received from Simon a couple of days ago.
Please, post your Beam shots here too!
First thoughts:
-The LED is impressive!
-The tint is nice, it is listed as 6500k but has a nice look to it and does not appear Blue or anything like that.
-The spill area is large and well lit, this reminds me of the xhp35 (sft40 = 3volt LED, great news for me and my simple mods!)
-The heat (in the m21c host) builds up, but not too quickly. i can get a couple minutes on Turbo.
-The beam quality is Really good (no "ringiness", nice LARGE hotspot).
-Due to this LED being 3 volts, I am Very Excited for it's numerous applications. i have some on order and will share them here, later (EA01s & KR1 for now. later FT03 and FT02s).
-SFT40 emitters I ordered from here (Not affiliated): https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002783273284.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.45393c00Gi1itu&mp=1
-I cant wait to see what other BLF members do with this LED!
Here are the Links to the Data Sheet for the SFT40 and SFT70, supplied from Simon @ Convoy:
Below, the farthest trees are about 240 300+ meters out**(i checked google maps). this hits them No Problem.