I know from experience that I like the 2*21700 form factor
driver as powerful as the more bulky L6 (both use 4 amps for FC40)
pleasing beam shape
230 grams lighter (8.11 oz)
M21G Cons
reduced battery capacity compared to a 26650 host, especially if 26800 extensions are chosen
less throw
less thermal mass
I find myself torn between the idea of the L6’s throw making up for lower lumen levels (compared to XHP70.3) and the lower weight of the M21G increasing the size-to-performance ratio.
Wild Card, The L7 host
I think the L7 would be a better host than the L6 if Simon would allow the substitution. I think the heatsinking on it is superior.
Anyone have any thoughts to add to this? The decision is killing me. :weary:
I would get the M21G first no question. 21700 batteries are MUCH easier and cheaper to come by. you don’t have to deal with “re-wrapped” batteries with questionable or inconsistent QC since 26650s are not really being produced in volume.
What Simon really needs to do is make a “L21G”….
You’re right that quality cells are cheaper and more available in the 21700 size. But I think a potential extra 1000mAh (or more) is probably worth a little money and inconvenience. 26800s are also on the table.
Isn’t the M21G already basically an L21G? Or were you thinking of a bigger reflector?
I have an L6 and I can attest to its amazing heatsinking ability, but I would pick a L21G with 2x 21700s everytime. If I need more runtime, I’ll just swap in 2 more 21700s since you can get 2 for the price of 1 26650.
FC40 is a large led, so it will give a wider spot and a good spill, but if you install it in a host with a nice large head you will also have the right thrower. Again, bigger is better, IMHO.
That is a very good question as I cannot find any reviews on the m21g at the moment.
I think it depends on what the thermal limit is set to. Anyone know what the L6 thermal limit is? I wouldn’t know since I’ve never gotten it to throttle after 15 min of runtime on the highest setting.
I would think the m21g could handle it but only if a high enough thermal limit is set (like 55c) and good thermal contact (thermal paste, etc).
The xhp70.3 will give better throw in the L6, Same with FC-40. The L6 and L7 use the same reflector so there’s no difference in throw with the same LED. I think the drivers for the 6v LEDs is the same also. A larger host gives better thermal properties. The M21G is smaller than L6 and L7, even the L21A. 2x21700 are a better option than 26650 (cheaper mostly).
Yea, that’s been the challenge. I can barely even find any beamshots of it.
I think the M21G has deeper cooling fins at the base of the head near the driver area. I have wondered why the fins in that area are so shallow on the L6. Still, the L6 has 230 grams more thermal mass. I halfway suspect that these aspects even out. I would sure like to see a graph or two though.
If cost is an issue, then consider that 26650s are considerably more expensive than 21700s.
If not, then the L6 would be an overall better host, especially for sustained output.
If there was a L6 equivalent that used 2x 21700s (hypothetical L21G), I would choose that all day since batteries are considerably cheaper.
Simon! I know you’re busy, but add it to the list if it’s not already. (I’m sure the list is too long lol)
Early detection of tactical grizzlies is essential! :laughing:
What do you think of the L7 host? I like the knurling and speculate that it might have better thermal properties due to the head design. Simon doesn’t offer the FC40 in the L7 but I think he would probably do it on request.
Hopefully you have 26650 batteries already because the major sites (at least in the US) are mostly out of stock (except for lower capacity 26650s). Only ones I can find at the moment are the Vapcell K62 for 8.99 each at liionwholesale, and the Vapcell K series has a terrible problem of high self discharge, so hopefully that’s fixed with the K62.
Actually, looks like illumn has Keeppower for 8.99 (5500mah) each
For comparison 21700:
Samsung 50E (5000mah) for 4.85 each at bulkbattery or 5.99 at 18650batterystore and imrbatteries.
Not sure how you came to that number. If you increase the mass and surface area of the body more heat will be bled out there. M21G body tube is 27.9/22mm outer/inner diameter, L6 is 35/27mm. M21G has 2.95mm walls, L6 is 4mm. L6 body tube has 25% more surface area and about 70% more mass.