M44 with UV 365nm option

Talking about the picture.

Suddenly a million wallets cried out in terrorā€¦

Can I place order now Hank?

Take my money Hank

Itā€™s not yet available now.
We do not normally accept pre-order, we only sell the products which are actually in stock.

Any predicted release date?

PLEASE tell me that anodization color is GREEN :))

such a CLEAN look! Take my money Hank


Looks great from that end. Now we need a full body shot :smiley:

I love my D4v2 and I have the 18350 tube for it. To make it even smaller Iā€™d reduce the head diameter to match the body diameter. Next thing after that would be go to 16650/16340 format. Iā€™m not keen on the 14500 concept unless itā€™s dual fuel and tiny. And I think that doesnā€™t fit in with Hankā€™s general approach of making lights super powerful. I guess we will see.

Iā€™m hoping for this new 21700 thrower to also offer a quad version with the D4S optic and tail e switch. Thatā€™s been my fantasy hank light for a while now. Putting the LEDs in series and running them off a boost driver would be icing on the cake, but 1S linear driver is fine too.

Yep, head option for single and quad would be great.

While Iā€™m guessing, will this new light have an M in the name?

He does have it in the dm11 directory, so thatā€™s probably its name.

Hank can you please use the 90+ CRI version for XHP35. I know it might sacrifice some lumens but quality CRI over anything would be much appreciated over minimal output increase. We would pay a few bucks more to get the best emitter.

What is the believed advantage over the B35AM?

Also would like to know the lumen to candela ratio with the nichia B35AM?

Lm/mmĀ² for the 70CRI versions at peak output (data from eurekatronix and koef3 data)

B35 - 320

XHP35 HI - 475

Assuming the same relative outputs for hiCRI, XHP may out throw the Nichia by a factor of 1.5:1 in terms of cd/lm.

Throw distance would be something like 1.2:1 in m/lm

Looks awesome! Iā€™m really excited for this light, it seems to have an excellent blend of features. In particular AUX under the large optic is really cool!
Sorry if itā€™s been stated already, but what kind of performance should we expect? With this size optic and an XHP35, what sort of intensity will it be able to produce?