M44 with UV 365nm option

B35AM & the frosted optic seems like it will be an excellent combo. We’ll just have to wait and see, but I imagine it will have a floodier beam that will make it great for general use, while still having some solid throw - my personal favorite style of light. As a thrower though, and all-around, SFT40 seems ideal. To hear that XHP35 has some rings (and needs a frosted optic) is a bit of a downer, but again we’ll just have to wait and see.

I’m more than likely going to review the Nichia version, it’s just very unique and will really set this light apart. I’ll likely get an SFT40 light as well.

Also another vote for deep red or white, I think those would look sick! …anything is better than black though :laughing:

I’m very excited for a B35A light from Hank. I tend to go for balanced performance and efficient drivers over minmaxing performance attributes and FET/linear drivers. I’m hoping this ends up more efficient than the K1/XHP35 driver, which isn’t great on max output.

This would make me buy it in an instant!

Hank will put LH351D emitters in his lights? Oh man, now I want another D4V2! The SP36 BLF makes some of the nicest light in my collection.

Just ordered a D4V2 with 219B in 4500K, all this hype better be worth it! j/k

Not about the order though. Looking forward to see what a 219 optic looks like. Traveling further down the rabbit hole……

Will the new light have a new driver? Any details?

Follow up

Purple or orange would be excellent.

TiCu or AlCu.
Colors are for social networks, less colorful are for real use

I’d really love to have one in all Ti, one in purple, one in TiCu, one in brass…

Colors are good for telling which light is which, when you have more than one of the same basic model.

I would argue more colorful is more useful - bright orange is basically the most useful color you could have on a flashlight…. but you are right, colorful lights are way easier to film/photograph :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s nonsense. Bright colors a good for lights because they are harder to misplace.


I like color talk.

I like colors and they help distinguish different lights and of the same model, but I agree aluminum copper or Ti/ Cu would be awesome.

if not

orange, red or purple,

I like RAW ALUMINUM the best!

I dunno, man.

If we see this new light with the 5000K SFT40 I’ll click “buy” without thinking. I love that green. A darker navy-ish blue would be really nice, too, and a matte red. I still have a thing for good earthy coyote tan, too.

All this talk of a new color, is it actually a possbility or is this just wishful thinking?

it may depend how much interest is shown here. I'm sure it would have to be A LOT of interest, but still. That was my reason for bringing it up. To see if enough people were interested to get Hanks attention or not. :))

Yes, they are very pronounced, even too pronounced which I’m afraid some people may not like it.
It does not have USB charging function, the tube is different than the K1/K9.3 tube, which are not interchangeable.
The charging port is removed to reduce the height and weight of the light as much as possible.