M44 with UV 365nm option

Nope! All 90+ CRI. They look great.

1 Thank

Any chance it would be possible to do a three way tint-brightness-ramp from red to warm white to cool white (I think the LT1s pro can do that). Iā€™m thinking something like:

  • Channel 1: 2x 519A 5000k (or 5700k)
  • Channel 2: 1x 519A 2700k
  • Channel 3: 1x SST-20 Deep Red

With the brightness-tint ramp going in reverse order (low channel 3, mid channel 2, high channel 1)
My thinking is that since the output is going to be low on the red and 2700k they get one LED each, and then as the brightness increases we switch to the channel with 2x LEDs for more power/efficiency. I could likely modify the firmware to do that, but it would be neat if that was a standard option.
I like this configuration, since normally when I want red or warm white I want low output, but then higher output in the cool whites.

1 Thank

I think the sm65 are 80 cri

Itā€™s definitely possibleā€¦ just add another channel mode.

Iā€™m not sure about including it by default though. There are a ton of different hardware configurations possible, and each hardware-specific mode adds another thing for everyone else to turn off during initial setup. But Iā€™m considering just disabling the infrequently-used modes by default instead, so people can turn it on if they want it.

Iā€™m working on it today though, so Iā€™ll see if it fits.

That would be awesome, thanks! And yes disabled by default makes sense given the wide array of possible configurations here.

Is there a post somewhere with this info? I canā€™t seem to find anything.

Except the new Convoy drivers are regulated and support 6V emitters, unlike the simple FET+1 drivers of old. Both the new Convoy boost drivers and Hanks boost drivers use the mp3431, Hank could bump up the max current pretty easily with some higher quality components though it wouldnā€™t make moonlight mode any lower

1 Thank

There are 70cri and 80cri versions in 6500k, but not easy to come by. Iā€™ve tried the 80cri 6500k dedomed and itā€™s pretty nice: https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/wfn0om/new_nichia_519a_6500k_r8000_80cri_dedomed_in/?rdt=63729

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Does anyone know how hard the XM-L2 Color HI can be pushed? I am thinking staying at 2A to be safe (factory rating is 1.75A), but Iā€™m hoping 4-5A so that it matches colored W2 in output.

Going to build one into an RGB D1K (behind a TIR) but I donā€™t want to burn out an expensive and hard to find emitter.

Three questions about the 719A:

  • What are lumen/candela numbers in the D1 and DM11?
  • Will it work with the B35AM driver if I were to emitter swap a light I already have?
  • It comes with an OP reflector in the D1; is there also a smooth reflector thatā€™s compatible?
1 Thank

I can probably answer one of these. I have a D1K 719a 5000K, but I also have a D4K 719a 3000K.

For the D1K, I measured 667 lm on turn on, 654 lm after 30 seconds. This seems low, so I need to verify.
For the D4K, I measured 1749 lm on turn on, 1054 lm after 30 seconds.

1 Thank

Thanks for the measurements. Iā€™m most interested in candela for the single-emitter lights.

That does seem low for the D1K. Zebralight gets numbers like that, but Emisar typically drives emitters harder than Zebralight.

1 Thank

You canā€™t drive the 719a hard so these numbers are to be expected AFAIK.

You can drive the 719A much harder than the rated 1.5A. 3.5A damages it. Convoy seems to be shipping 2A, which should be on the order of 950-1000 lm OTF. 2.5A is probably still safe.

1 Thank

Looks like iā€™ll have to swap resistor in my D1 719ā€¦

I measured my 719A a bit higher in first second, see post here Comparison Original and DIY in B35AM, seems to be the same driver:

1 Thank

HSV would be great, as would a RGB colour fade mode.

1 Thank

HSI please!

3 Thanks

I havenā€™t heard of HSI before, but itā€™s very similar to the colorspace Iā€™m planning to use.

The UI has a 2-dimensional color space mapped onto 3-dimensional RGB. Ramp sideways to change hue, and ramp up-down to change brightness. But the brightness is a combination of saturation and value:

  • Bottom half of the ramp goes from black to fully-saturated color at maximum brightness.
  • Top half of the ramp goes up from full color to white.

Additionally, because linear crossfades donā€™t look great, Iā€™m hoping to use a cosine-shaped crossfade between LED channels. At least, if there is enough space in ROM to hold yet another data table or two.

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