M44 with UV 365nm option

Me too. Holy crap! Timing was just right. Looking at tracking, mine is 3-4 days behind yours… but I’m not complaining. These are moving way faster than the LT1 lanterns did last Nov-Dec-Jan.

This will be my first dark brown flashlight. I guess for a while I’ll be having a brown out every night. :wink:

I was going to waiting for performance numbers to see if I should get one but at this price I don’t think it’s worth it, to me anyway. The Amutorch XT45 can be had for $60 dollars with the same LED. I get that it’s bigger and the quality/service is way better but its still a bit much for me…a lot more expensive than the D1S. I would like to see a simpler stripped down emisar version with a 1S4P 18650 configuration at a lower price. I guess I’ll just wait for soemething with more throw. Since I’ve already seen what the FT03S can do this won’t really impress me.

Yeah, I see what you are saying.

I would think efficiency should be always associated with LEDs that are not overdriven or measured at currents that are not overdriven ones (like 1A max for XHP35 HI). But well there’s other point of views, like cost per lumen, cost per head size, cost per candela, etc.


Thanks for this very useful graph :+1:

$140? Ok, why did I open my mouth, say'n the SBT90.2 K1 was a good deal? :FACEPALM:

Mine is also in LA as of yesterday.

Mine is also dark brown and a few days behind Baron and Tom’s as well.

Bummer… I was waiting for a review or first impressions, but $140 is way beyond budget territory. I hope this price hike is due to the shipping situation and not something permanent.

The LED[SBT90.2] itself went up $15 from when this version was first posted[$35], almost immediately it went up to $40, now $50.

I am hoping that I am not disappointed with performance, durability and the accuracy of the Temp. regulation. I knew when buying this it could NOT disable step down like NARSIL. I hoping the high temp setting that I choose works.

If not, More money[!] and send to Skylumen for assurance that I have no step down and 16 mode groups.

I can not believe you will like this light. :smiling_imp:

The shipping rate is 2 times higher than before, expecially for such heavy product like K1.
And the package lost rate is higher than before.
All this situation is killing our profit, we have no choice but to increase the price.

Any update on if your package is in Canada yet ? I’m also a fellow Canuck waiting on a package but it hasn’t updated since 4/4.

As long as it meets my expectations/criteria above I will not complain. :wink:

Here are some beamshots with the XHP35 HI 3000K. They’re 21 Mpx so this is a downsized preview and a link to an album.

Nice beamshot!

Different light[NI40] same LED,SBT90.2 - 4300L/230Kcd

Tree is 120 Yards away

Little tree 60 yards

Yoi take very good pics!

Mine is in Grove Park, Illinois.


I give the credit to where I live. A lot of farm land, woods and hiking trails where light pollution[the enemy] is basically Non existent. :+1:

Nice to hear.

I am a bit jealous. Mine has not updated since Thursday May 14th when it landed at LAX. :disappointed:

How long ago did yours leave LAX?


You know, I didn’t really check.