[M4D deal] 21700 FW3A presale list

Interested, if no trit holes (at least on the head).

i updated the List

i asked Neal if a smooth head/tailcap without slots is possible

atm i collect only the people who want one from the first run (with EMPTY tritium slots)
i am very certain Neal will sell different trits as acessories ;)

Interested sign me up.

Very interested. Form sent.

Should just go straight to quad.

Very interested in a future version in other materials and quad leds - with trit slots (I could live with less though lol)

i want to buy one 21700 FW3A

I added my email to the list this am, please let me know if you got it. I can pm you my email if you’d like.

I want to buy one 21700 FW3A

I added my email to the list but just in case sign me up.

Large front bezel designed by Edna

Without trit slots, head’s wall wouldn’t need to be so thick (hence the large front bezel) while there is room for a quad with thinner wall and slimmer front bezel. The button is probably uselessly taller because of trit slots too. Remove trit slots, make quad with auxiliary leds PCB for those who are in these kind of things.
The 21700 pocket clip should be lengthened to end at the exact same spot as on the 18650, IMO. The 21700 pocket clip’s elbow bulges out a lot from the tailcap.

No trit holes unless they are offered with the vials installed.

Interested… but please include quad emitters and without trits. As others mentioned, its silly to offer this with triple emitters when a simple change can accommodate a quad.

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i want to buy one 21700 FW3A

edited post #3

please participate either via form OR via PM request ;)

PM sent! I do hope it can be gotten smaller and thinner without the trit. Trit can always be added to the legs of the carclo optic.

It has to be cheaper to make without the cuts. less machining, and as stated, the parts can be thinner.

i want to buy one21700fw3a, thanks daffyh67

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