wut? I thought official limit is 4.5-5 amps, but to push it, up to 6 amps is being used. Instant blue? You mean if it's on a poor alum MCPCB?
what about this:
Now torture test. Torture for this emitter will be any cell in Samsung 30Q rang or better if used in FET DD setup which of course will pull a lot of current. So in mine test emitter survived over 7A of current draw for more than 3 minutes(for couple of times). After cool-down it did not loose initial properties(performance remained the same) which implies that emitter is very robust. This were mine results. I also found that mine test subject had best performance at around 5.8-6A (1200FC)
This was posted here in the OP: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/53735