wut? I thought official limit is 4.5-5 amps, but to push it, up to 6 amps is being used. Instant blue? You mean if it's on a poor alum MCPCB?
what about this:
Now torture test. Torture for this emitter will be any cell in Samsung 30Q rang or better if used in FET DD setup which of course will pull a lot of current. So in mine test emitter survived over 7A of current draw for more than 3 minutes(for couple of times). After cool-down it did not loose initial properties(performance remained the same) which implies that emitter is very robust. This were mine results. I also found that mine test subject had best performance at around 5.8-6A (1200FC)
What driver did you recommend they use? If sticking with 8x7135 at least offer it with the 12 group 55 mode driver from the xpl c8. The 4 mode 5a driver from the sst40 convoys would be sweet
Is the current driver the one where its lo-mid-hi and it blinks on low after 3 seconds?
How many amps is the current w2 model getting?
today (March 13 2020) Olight has another sale and offers
the LIMITEDOD GREENM2R PRO and the sale starts 00:01!!
better stay awake – i am sure those are sold out fast…
unfortunately my regular discount codes do not work while a flash sale is active,
but you can use my links below anyway to “send” me your traffic at no costs!
that way i will get better discounts for you in the futrure ;)
Hi ” M4D M4X “.
I have used your codes to buy a HAIKELITE MT09R on 3 separate occasions with no luck. 2 times it was out of stock, and the last time it was in stock when I ordered it, it was shipped and was confiscated by customs and now Banggood says it is out of stock again. I requested a refund for the 3rd time. Are they not wanting to sell this one with your discount ?
I previously purchased 3 flashlights with your discounts with no problems.
I doubt it has anything to do with the discount price. Banggood are the people supplying MadMax with the coupon price. If BG did not want to sell it for the discount price they can simply not offer the coupon.
Haikelite may simply be low of stock and have not produced a new batch of MT09R in a while.
Customs is unpredictable. How did you buy it the first 2 times? Did they show it in stock, but they were actually out? Like a stocking error?
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Die 3x CREE XP-L LEDs mit neutral weißer Lichtfarbe erzielen eine Reichweite von 299 Metern. Mit 4 Lichtgruppen und bis zu 7 Leuchtstufen oder stufenloser Helligkeitsverstellung steht eine sehr vielfältig einstellbare Bedienung zur Verfügung die allen Anforderungen gerecht wird. Die Strobe modus ist nicht in der normalen Schaltreihenfolge enthalten und braucht daher auch nicht immer mit durchgeschaltet werden
Betrieb mit einem 21700 Li-Ion Akku. Mit beiliegender Adapterhülse kann auch ein 18650 Li-Ion Akku benutzt werden
Hergestellt aus einer 6061 Aluminiumlegierung mit anodisierter Oberfläche und nach IPX8 wasserdicht. Die C8F ist bestens für verschiedene Outdooraktivitäten wie z.B. Wandern, Campen, Erkundungen oder auch die Gassirunde geeignet.
Lieferumfang: Sofirn C8F, 4000 mAh 21700 Akku und Ladegerät, Lanyard, deutsche Bedienungsanleitung, Adapterhülse, 2 Ersatzdichtringe