Waving the lightbeam back and forth in upright position to the sky, so Search’n Rescue will (hopefully) find you before snakes, spiders and other vicious animals eat you up. :smiling_imp:
^ I hear you. We are all waiting for their Marketing Department to deliver their Gallery of ‘Jungle Hunting’ adventures…….
Vampire Bats are my first hope. I had those on my Cocoa bean trees when living in the Brazilian Jungle, would have liked to have ‘photon stunned’ the huge eyes of the little b*ds to keep them away from my animals at night, without needing to resort to serious violence.
Should you ever lose it in the jungle, you just need to wave around with the magnetic charging cable until it makes ‘click’ again.
Back to topic: As always, thanks for another great deal, Martin! :+1:
The question is: Can Imalent be trusted i.a.w. its advertised specs about Lux and Lumens? The DN70 and DT70 were often very much below the specs as far as I read.
Unfortunately Banggood won’t ship batteries separately to Canada, so I like it when I can get them bundled with a light! Thank you for your help Martin.