(M4D M4X)
August 1, 2018, 10:40pm
Hello my valued friends!
WE ARE 3000 members!!
THANK YOU so much for helping the community to grow, and giving us more power to get the deals we all love :beer:
so its time for a giveaway!
prices donated by:
(if you want to donate a price feel free to mail me: martin@m4dm4x.com)
you can participate until August 31th 2018
you need to be member of m4dm4x.com
you can submit up to 5 times - but only the last goes into the list
i use random.org to make a list of the individual prices
i sort the answers of the competition question by the deviation to the correct answer to get a winners list
equal numbers will get a randomized order on the winners list
each price goes to the same number on the winners list
if a price is not claimed within 48 hours after i sent the notification mail, the price goes to the next free place on the winners list
i can change the rules anytime
the game:
count (or guess) how many (manufacturer rated) lumens the flashlights below have in total:
go to this page to place your guesstimate (another picture is provided there as well) and leave a comment if you like ;)
I wish you good luck!
Oh my god.
That’s going to take one loooooong time to count them all.
August 1, 2018, 11:10pm
Already submitted my guess. I’m sure I’m within 1 or 2 lumens :sunglasses:
(M4D M4X)
August 1, 2018, 11:38pm
i should have asked to search teh interwebz for the mods i made :p
August 2, 2018, 12:20am
What cells are we using?
“manufacturer rated”
Too easy then
Easy? Chinese Lumens are never a constant figure. :laughing:
August 2, 2018, 12:33am
Whoa there! I am seriously impressed.
It would be easier iffn you turned them on. :smiling_imp:
Damn, I made mistake when logging in your blog and now I’m blocked :person_facepalming:
I was going to make the guesstimate of the amount of lumens, but I would say that it would be like… some “lumillions” or some gazillions of lumens coming out of those flashlights Impressive collection
I am in, and thanks for the GAW Martin!
I will do the guesstimate later, when I’m unblocked :weary:
EDIT (2018-08-06): estimation submited :sunglasses:
August 2, 2018, 10:24am
Nice question Martin! Thanks for the giveaway
I don't have enough relevant knowledge to accurately guess the number of lumens, so...
Congrats on 3000 members!
August 2, 2018, 10:48am
Thanx for the interesting giveaway, quite a unique entry method.
How about for bonus points, how many fall over if the GT is knocked to the left.
Nah, couldn’t ask you to do that.
BTW it’s prize, not price.
I think I might have underestimated my answer :person_facepalming:
August 2, 2018, 12:20pm
Noticed I saw only 3/4 of the picture on my screen, want to increase my answer to 550k lumens.
(M4D M4X)
August 2, 2018, 1:09pm
I might change the rules to
you can answer up to 5 times, but only the last counts
August 2, 2018, 1:17pm
Manufacturer Rated: Probably fabricated based on the other fabrications from other competing flashlights.