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I agree, the Maeerxu UI is not the most intuitive. The problem with trying to get Anduril in their current lights, is they all uses mechanical tail switches. They could switch to an electronic tail switch and add a signal tube like a KR4 or TS10. There’s plenty of wall thickness in the battery tubes to turn down and add said signal tube.

I put a Convoy 6V 5A driver in my XT4 mule. For the DF01 I have coming soon, I want to put one of Hank’s 23mm 12V mcpcbs and a Convoy 12V 2.5A driver.

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Its not intuitive but it is unique.

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The biggest issue I’ve found is you need to be sure the half presses are done very quick. Otherwise you’re basically doing a full power off and will end up back on the first mode. Plus the already mentioned switch tolerance issues. The temp step down on mine is too quick and severe, especially given the big lump of copper there is to act as a heat sink. It will step down from the max setting before the shell is even feeling slightly warm.

Like Anduril, there’s a lot to remember…

Thanks for loving our flashlights, Anduril has many problems that cannot be solved in our development in China. Engineers are also trying to do something about it. The new UI we developed ourselves is also very special. At present, the seven-color water AUX is the first one we developed.

Engineers consider that the highlighting duration is not too long, the heat will be too high.

There seems to be a problem with heat transfer to the flashlight body then. e.g. other brands will get noticeably warm to the touch before any drastic stepdown in output light level. Or it’s simply too drastic a step down once the set temperature is reached?

Perhaps it’s a handicap from using pills rather than an inbuilt shelf in the body?

Programming issue. Nothing to do with a pill. Programmers chose an abrupt step down rather than a gradual one like most lights.

To see an example of really good thermal management try Zebralight.

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Yeah, I figured as much and made a suggestion it be changed back when I bought mine. My solution is to not use it in “turbo”, as at around 3/4 power it will not do the drastic step down so quickly.

I guess the programmers know best though… :laughing: Being made from such a big lump of copper it should be capable of a much better performance.

We have built-in brass pills.

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The heat dissipation capacity of titanium alloy + copper chamber flashlight is far less than that of aluminum alloy integrated chamber shell, and the fastest speed to reduce the brightness will not cause the flashlight to continue to increase the temperature

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Thank you for liking our flashlights. Please let me know when you order again, and I will apply to Boss for a gift for you :smile:

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In case anyone has any hesitation. Absolute perfect machining.

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very nice

They look great. I love Maeerxu’s machining. Top notch stuff at reasonable prices.