Hello this is my first post on the forum and I want to show you one of my latest mods. Unfortunately I dont have pictures from the building process but I will try to describe it!
Generally I am using for this mod:
-XHP70.2 neutral white on SinkPad II
-Convoy L6 driver
–5 degree collimator, 32mm for xhp70 leds
-Liitokala 5000mah 26650, 2 in series
-Stock Maglite switch and stock driver switch for mode selection, stock tail-spring
-AR coated lens from KD (actually worse than stock one in terms of performance but I wanted glass)
Stock reflector was used (cut and fine focused) before my TIR arrived and gave according to my meassurments around 2600lm at 5A, which I found disappointing but was expected too.
For heatsinking I have found a method that works very nice for me for all mods, I am cutting with a saw 2mm thick copper disks from a sheet and turn them on a dremel tool adjusting the diameter to +–0.1mm which is pretty accurate for my needs, I then stack and screw them together and have a custom heatsink for any flashlight. For this Mag I used 10 disks, giving a 20mm thick copper cylinder that fits perfeclty in the tube. The top disk doesnt seem to have a nice fit because the tube diameter increased on the top 1-2mm so it seems to be too loose, but its ok in real life.
For any case i drilled 2x holes 0.8mm thick and around 5mm deep and inserted 2x 0.8mm pins to secure the heatsink in place. Only problem with this method is that is difficult to remove again if needed. See picture above…
Stock spring was heated and pressed to reduce the lenght and pressing force. I used a copper wire to bybass it as much as i thought was needed.
Here is the stock switch and mode selection switch. If I would build another one i would put the small switch deeper because my switch cover doesnt fit without cutting and destroying any waterresistance.
Custom battery tube for 26650 using rolled A4 sheets of paper :person_facepalming: , it works perfectly though
Thats it! I am meassuring my outputs with a light box and smartphone app which i calibrated using a stock Convoy S2+ and confirmed with stock Convoy C8. I calibrated it to give an output of 900 and1000lm for these two. C8 gave more output due to bigger reflector i suppose.
My XHP70.2 Mag gave an output of 3860lm at 5A(turbo) meassured with this method and TIR, which i believe is realistic. Maybe my calibration was too coservative beacuse this emmiter should give 4200lm. I am satisfied with the performace and I will not mod it any more i think. In high mode I am meassuring 1700lm.
Temperature is not an issue in high mode(barely gets warm), in turbo I didnt run it too long but I dont believe it will be problematic as a 2min run warmed up the body of the light but not higher than 40-42C.
The beam profile is pretty floody for throwing, the TIR is 5 degrees but seems to have no hotspot. I like it though.
Anyone noticing the wrong polarity on the star, its because i reflowed it with the wrong polarity in first place!