Magnum is one of those things that suffered from a cultural shift. Other male dominated action series from the time are well remembered but dated, A-Team, Airwolf, McGyver etc but somehow Magnum, though in it’s day as prominent as the others, is less remembered, it hits below its weight class when the topic of classic 80’s TV is raised. I suspect it is because the Tom Selleck character is now too much of an outdated stereotype, too one-dimensional. The entire series was built around a deep voiced, hairy, 70’s style masculinity, so was already dated in the 80’s. I liked it, and it was popular, but in hindsight it is not surprising that it has faded in people’s minds ahead of the others.
Years ago when I was in the computer business, I went to a convention in Boston the company sent me to. They put us up at the Ritz Carleton. The morning of the first day, we were wearing our company shirts which didn’t include a tie, and were refused service in the dining room for breakfast. So we walked down the street to the Four Seasons and were welcomed into the dining room there. There were 4 of us and they seated us at a large round table which was the only table left available in the restaurant. Few minutes later the maitre’d asked us if we minded if they sat a couple at our table since there were none left in the room. No problem we said. In comes Tom Selleck and his Wife and sat at our table. Turns out he was the guest speaker at the convention. He and his wife were two of the nicest people I’ve met. He’s very kind, soft spoken, and has a great since of humor. He’s very approachable and the type of person that makes everyone around him comfortable. We told him about how stuffy the Ritz was, and he said, “Thats why I don’t stay there when in town”
Personally I think the stories on the Rockford Files were better. But what PI has to live in a shabby trailer on the beach. I rather want to watch a TV show from the CBS production facilities on Hawaii. Compliments from the original Hawaii Five-O series. Sadly, Jack Lord never appeared in Magnum PI.
I was afraid that to be “different” they’d make Magnum II a gay black transgender woman with Down’s Syndrome in a wheelchair or something.
Hell, Starbuck is now a woman, Chin Ho is now a woman, Li’l Orphan Annie is black… nothing against having either blacks or women or anyone in a role, but don’t try to “reinvent” existing characters, ferchrissakes.
What in Hell’s wrong with taking a similar storyline and just naming it something else?? Make it its own show, give it its own identity, but don’t destroy an existing universe.
Seems those coke-addled writers can’t come up with anything original anymore, they gotta “reboot” existing shows from decades ago, but put their own spin on it to try to claim some “originality”.
A pet peeve of mine. Hollywood buying the rights to a successful story/series and then effectively eviscerating the character/storyline and therefore dooming any chance of it becoming a movie series. Examples: tom cruise as JACK REACHER, Denzel Washington as Lincoln Rhyme and changing his quirky/gay caregiver to a black woman with none of the attributes which made Tom a welcome addition to the series. And finally Relic without Aloysius Pendergast…what lamebrain figured Pendergast was a superfluous character to be written out. Effectively killed the movie series. Phooey!!
One of the few things I really did not like that was a very important part of the Rockford Files was that he was an ex-convict. Maybe it had to do with early in life run ins with those that may have paid society back but still were not good people. /shrug.
Now later in life I know how far fetched it was that he was a PI, never mind that he worked with the police and was one of the “Good Guys”.
Magnum PI had it’s own problems as well, like no reality basis of being a house investigator for a rich sugar daddy.
Meh, time and age kills the suspension of disbelief.
This is another example of the total lack of imagination with Hollyweird. They cannot come up with ideas of their own any more and you get an endless stream of reboots and sequels