October 15, 2022, 12:38pm
I absolutely love the look of the Manker Striker Ti. I asked Tony of Manker if there was a possibility of a discount, and he said I could post a thread here to gauge interest.
So, would anyone be interested in a discount for the Manker Striker Titanium?
Product page: Manker Striker Titanium
1 Thank
This is an incredible nice looking (trophy)light, but way out of my financial league. Unless you can persuade Marker to sell it for under $100 free at home.
October 15, 2022, 2:19pm
Only with a Foybezel this light could be awesome.
October 21, 2022, 10:51am
interested depending on price
October 24, 2022, 5:31pm
interested depending on price
October 24, 2022, 8:01pm
More precisely, it should have the trademark: Foybezeltm
I like a Foybezeltm on this light too but it would not win me over for it.
October 25, 2022, 10:36pm
I am definitely be interested in this depending on price.
October 26, 2022, 3:51pm
Bonjour à tous , moi aussi je suis intéressé , j'ai pourtant essayé d'en parler à Tony Chen sur son groupe manker Facebook où je suis inscrit , mais il ne prends même pas le temps de répondre à ses clients et fidèles collectionneurs , je ne comprends pas pourquoi il n'y as que manker qui ne réponds jamais aux clients que se soit sur Facebook où même sur l'adresse mail manker de l'entreprise , ils ne répondent à aucuns messages :(
j'avais déjà demandé des coupons codes afin de pouvoir acheter la striker Ti et Copper , mais encore une fois , pas une seule réponse de sa part !
November 24, 2022, 8:47pm
Interest at or below 100 USD…
January 28, 2023, 5:16pm
I just requested a discount code on the Striker Titanium to the dealer who sent it to me for review, if you are interested you can subscribe to my review for future updates, I am waiting for a response.
Here my review:
1) Disclaimer
2) Introduction
3) Packaging
4) Materials, assembly, processing, finishes, anodizing
5) Specifications
6) Specifications
7) User interface
8) LEDs, light output
9) User experience and beamshots
10) Conclusions
11) Aspects positive
12) Negative aspects
13) Neutral aspects
14) Final grade
15) Bonus
1) Disclaimer
If my English is good, you can congratulate me. If my english is bad, you can blame google translate ;)
More and more often I find myself us…
January 29, 2023, 9:15pm
This light will be 20% off (assuming they don’t also drop the price because it’s not selling) by the end of the year.
At the minimum, they should offer that same discount today.