Maratac mini LEP Cosmos flashlight review

Hey everyone. Here’s a new video I posted to my YouTube channel. Head over and check it out.
It’s that time again! Time for another FREE FLASHLIGHT GIVEAWAY! To celebrate the 600 subscribers milestone. Thank you to everyone who watches my videos and takes the time to hit the like button and leave a comment.

To be eligible and enter the drawing, here’s what you need to do.

  1. Be a subscriber, of course!

  2. Be a resident of the United States. (International eligibility will be soon, hopefully!)

  3. Watch the video I recently uploaded about the Maratac Mini LEP Cosmos flashlight.

DON’T TRY AND CHEAT AND SKIP THROUGH UNTIL THE END! :rofl: I can tell if so! :crazy_face:

  1. Like THAT video.

  2. Leave a comment on THAT video about the giveaway. (“Congrats”… “count me in”…“here for the giveaway”, etc.)

  3. That’s literally all there is to it!

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE! I will post a quick video in the next few days about the drawing as well. Good luck! See you guys and gals there soon!

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