This is the Maxtoch E1+ Rainbow , sent to me for review and NO other compensation other than keeping the light.
The Maxtoch site is now up and running so the E1+ (and other Maxtoch products) can now be found on the main site…. … and the E1+ itself at this link … (links NON affiliated)
I also might mention when you register , or make an account on the new site you get a $5.00 coupon.
The E1+ Rainbow is the new EDC in the Maxtoch line up. Although I did not get the “FULL” package for my review , the package , which is a pretty nice cardboard 2 part box , will contain the E1+ itself , A maxtoch 18650 branded cell , a single cell USB charger , stainless clip , a velvet carry pouch 2 extra O-rings and the user manual.
This is a single 18650 powered light and it is made of Titanium that has been heat treated to get the very brightly colored rainbow effect. Each light will look slightly different as the process used for the heat treat is not an exact science , so I guess these lights will be like snowflakes and no 2 will look the exact same.
This light is pretty compact and smaller than all of my other (personally owned) single 18650 EDC lights. Pictured below with the Manker E14 II (left) and the BLF A6 (middle).
The emitters (4 x XP-L2) sit in a nicely made smooth , quad reflector made of Aluminum. The reflector design looks to be well thought out and has spots made on the back side to clear the solder joints and the screws that hold down the MCPCB. The emitters each sit well centered in the perspective holes and the MCPCB is a DTP copper board. The light comes in a neutral tint (4500K to 5000K) and also in cool white (6000K to 6500K) and the E1+ is rated at 5000 lumens in Turbo mode. The sample I have reviewed is the Cool White.
The fins are well cut and there is a “flat” where the bright red side switch button sits in those. Just under the side switch (on the tube) is the slot for the stainless clip to attach at the end of the “spiral” cuts of the tube. The clip can be put on the light for head up or head down carry and holds firmly either direction.
The only branding or etching on this light is on the end of the tailcap and is nicely done. The tailcap spring looks to made of copper instead of the usual plated steel. There is also a magnet in the tailcap , so the light can be attached to a smooth metal surface and it holds on pretty good.
All of the threads on the E1+ are well machined and operate smoothly.
The driver is a dual UI with mode memory , with a simple quick click of the switch activating “on” and the standard switching modes of each click of the side switch moving you into the next level of brightness. The modes are ECO / Low / Medium / High and Turbo , with Turbo being a quick double click. A press and hold of 1/2 second to turn the light off in this part of the UI. A double click gets you to the Turbo mode from any mode including off and then another double click to get the strobe mode.
Then there is also the ramping side of the UI which is activated from “off” with a 1/2 second press and hold of the switch button , also mode memory in this mode. Once the light is turned on you can simply press and hold the switch button until the level of brightness you want is achieved and then release the switch. To move brighter or dimmer , again press and hold to the level of brightness desired. To turn the light off from this part of the UI simply do a quick click of the switch. Since the threads are not anodized there is no manual lockout , but there IS the mechanical lockout , which is achieved with 4 quick clicks of the switch from “off”. When the lockout is activated the light will give one quick blink to indicate the lockout is activated and if you try to turn on the light when in lockout mode it will give 1 quick blink of the LED’s to indicate it is in the lockout mode. To unlock the light simply do 4 quick clicks again and you are back to regular operation.
The beam from the E1+ , although floody does have somewhat of a hotspot in the center with the reflector in the head. It makes for a good flood with a little bit of throw to the light also.
100 yards to gate in High / Turbo……
75 yards to gate in Medium / High / Turbo……
50 yards to gate in Low / Medium . High . Turbo….
Garage door 20 yards in Eco / Low / Medium / High / Turbo…….
Due to the small size of this light , as with most small high output lights , the Turbo mode will only run for short periods of 30 seconds as there just is not enough mass to move all that heat out quick enough.
Here are my charts with the listed lumens and the tested run times / lumens I got using a Samsung 30 Q cell , as well as my tested output on the tail amperage.
Overall I really like this little light and it has massive output for the small size , with a good beam for all around use. The magnetic tailcap can also be very useful in many situations for hands free use of the E1+.
The only Con I can think of for me personally ,is that I would like to see a moon mode in the UI as the lowest setting of 120 lumens is a little too bright for some instances and this has already been suggested to Maxtoch.
If you do not want to watch the whole video but would like to see the live outdoor footage comparing the E1+ with the Manker E14 II and the Sofirn C8 F , that footage starts at 11:42 of the video timeline.
MAXTOCH Rainbow E1+ 5000lm
LED:4*CREE XP-L2 HD LED Max Output:5000lumens
Reflector:Mirror Max Beam Distance:180 m
Battery:1 × 18650 Max Runtime:10h30min
Size:93mm × 28mm × 24mm Weight:100g