Maxtoch XSWORD L2K - another laser thrower

A particular store with a place holder, MaxToch has yet to release pricing and they don’t even have it listed in their own stores. Wait for it, you’ll see much better pricing than that.

Yes this is impressive. But in perspective, back in the day the venerable Jacobs A60 was about $15 and even now is still quite impressive for antiquated technology. :sunglasses:

It mat look something like this.

Phosphor is fairly easily excited. Think of the old vacuum tube TV’s. The front screen was coated in phosphor and an electron gun fired a beam at the back of it. The phosphor would glow when hit with the stream of electrons.

These LEP (laser excitation phosphor) based lights work on the same principle. Google this term and you can pull up a lot of info.

You can also check out the Acebeam W10 light here.

Yes, obviously…
But does the laser shine through the phosphor,
or is the phosphor glued on a reflective thingy (which could also provide cooling for the phosphor) and the laser shines upon it, and at what angle, etcetera…
The “trick” is obviously to do it properly, so i want to know how.

I would think the laser is focussed first, so it can use a very tiny piece of phosphor so you get insane intensity.

Nice find Jason, thanks… :wink:

Intelligent Lighting Designs
Enabled by Laser Light

Thanks Jason,

If module looks like this than I don’t see any physical obstacles for not incorporating this into aspheric zoomie build which is more suitable for this configuration than any reflector light cause it would have zoom out/in function.

Hahha :laughing: :smiley: You really tried to tell that to wife? Now she’ll now how much it costs.

I would just order that light and shut my mount, and if she will eventually ask: “What? Flashlight again!” I would just say to her: “Oh I am just trying those cheap 15$ China xxxfires again” :beer:

Thanks for the info guys.

Haha, yeah I said that almost word for word. I stick to a very strict budget and most of my money goes to health costs so my wife doesn’t worry about my spending, and if I did buy one she would just presume that it was cheap.

Quite a lot of good questions. For those who are really interested, why don’t you guys ask on LPF, maybe they have more info on such things.

The beam is impressive. Reminds me of some powerful few watts 445nm blue lasers with relatively high divergence or a big aperture greenie……just that this is white in colour + circular “hotspot”. You’ll see those in LPF.

Actually if it’s below 199 usd (this thing is 500 lumens output?), seriously it’s not thhhhaaat expensive for cutting edge tech…… compared to the DIY portable lasers in flashlight hosts.
If i remember correctly, i paid like close to usd 300 for a low 3 watts 445, though that’s like a few years ago….and mind you that’s second-hand. :smiley:
Doesn’t throw extreme distances due to divergence (a 50mW greenie with 0.5 inch front aperture would smoke it bad), but trust me that thick visible 3watts of 445 cutting through even relatively clean air is like…… I always like misty conditions. :smiley:
3 watts of 532nm is gonna be. :cowboy_hat_face: :money_mouth_face: :exclamation: :innocent:

I am not sure how many optical watts is 500 lumens if one wants to compare with flashlight hosted lasers in a ceiling bounce visual comparison for these toys, but it’s decently bright enough for me.

Or we wait for a couple of months or 1 yr+ and not be early adopters.

Now you pay $350,00 for 7W from Sanwu lasers.For suppressing the divergence,you have to use a beam expander.You can go to and see their 3X expander which I have, and it is very good for my 1,6W blue laser.
If you decide to buy one check the dimensions first and send them a photo of your laser.

I have the 3x Beam Expander on my green scratch built laser, while it works all right I really fail to see why we’d do this. I have it on the laser, heck I paid $55+ for it, but am not all that pleased with a fatter laser beam.

It does the same that a lens does on an LED.
Reduces beam divergence for more throw.
Not that you would really notice 50km vs 25km of throw.

If you go for a big laser,say 5-7 W,the BE is necessary, because of the high divergence of the particular laser diode.

Wow….350 dollars for 7W blue, current prices are quite good. Might even be cheaper with some home builts (second hand) from LPF? Of course prices will always be falling.

OT a bit, now in China, you get a 5000 lumens laser projector for usd 1.5k from the official store, street prices are even lower. Xiaomi quality, ie not too bad.

Will get better next time….just a matter of R&D and having the market for it.约%20SGD%202005.66&suid=6FEDC5D0-C666-4817-A344-0D2C1AE6F887&un=7517115999b2fc52c078635431fc6d24&share_crt_v=1&sp_tk=77%20lOXZYZWJnVk5PN3Dvv6U=&cpp=1&shareurl=true&spm=a313p.22.209.976745986986&short_name=h.37cf0Zt&app=chrome&sku_properties=5919063:6536025

The Price will be max 350$ including short tube And shipping.

Opps, my bad, i thought it was usd 199 or something. Fat hope…… :money_mouth_face:

A point to ponder…

You’re developing an item for sale, you’re good at this and have some following but you branch out in a new direction with some new product… do you know what the market is going to be? You can’t. So you price it high, rather than low… you can always reduce the price to sell your stock but you can’t raise the price if you have developed the most epic product in your line. :wink: The big picture, for your company, you don’t want to lose on the best thing you ever did, now do you?