I ordered a helping hand. I think I actually have an old one SOMEWHERE, but couldn’t find it in the middle of the night :), so I’ve gone ahead and bought a new one, with a magnifying glass and light on it. Eyes are getting old too, SHEESH :(!
Ok, I’m still thinking of re-couping that drop-in… One of the big problems was that because of the problems I had immobilizing the pill when I soldered the leads was that I ended up with big lumps of solder on TOP of the emitter PCB, which prevented the one insulating cover from seating. So when the new helping hand thing comes in, first thing is to clean up the solder joints.
I also have some new insulation covers coming in from FastTech, so will also try those.
Now, re. centering: I’m still trying to figure out the best way to do that. I know that a big part of the problem is that I’m trying to use the 10mm emitter PCB on top of the P60 style pill, which is about 5mm larger than the PCB. I saw a post somewhere where they suggested:
1) Putting arctic alumina adhesive AROUND the PCB, but
2) thermal paste just under where the PCB goes.
They claimed that doing that, you could still remove the emitter/PCB afterwards.
The thing I’m worried about with the above approach is how to make sure the PCB doesn’t move around until the adhesive sets?
Or, should I just glue the PCB down to the top of the pill?