I have been trying so long to find myself a neat way to drive a 5mm LED with single AA battery. After several years, I stumbled upon the QX5252f that can do exactly just that with one extra inductor. Well, I know that this IC has been out there for quite some time, but it's exciting to experience it first-hand.
Here is the protoype:
The schematics I used is the typical one I found on the internet (sans the solar cell). One of these are shown here:
The LEDs used in this prototype. It's supposed to be able to handle more current than the standard 5mm ones. The actual specs for these types are all over the places, however.
The setup in action.
I swapped out the 47 uH inductor to 33 uH for more LED drive current (in the image above: 70ma from 1.5v source).
The circuit could easily be converted into the "emergency light" that lights up at the loss of the mains power. All I need to do is probably to use 3v mains adapter in place of the Solar Cell and add the Ni-MH battery. I might experiment more on this later on.