Hi all, just received my first MF01 Mini the other day and it’s a beautiful light. I finally pulled the trigger and I’m glad I did. Went with the raw al sst20 5000k. My question - the only thing I don’t really like about the light is the beam pattern/profile/look? I have searched as much as I know how on here and online to find a different optic, does anyone know where aftermarket optics are available? I took it out and measured with calipers - looks like its 34.5mm diameter? I looked on ledil’s site but I was confused as there are obviously so many options for every type of lighting out there. Thank You in advance.
I am not fond of the throw, especially when compared to my d4sv2 which I like the throw/profile MUCH more. I DO really love this light though. to answer your question, I should’ve said this originally, I feel I would like this light much more as a FLOOD. the current optic isn’t terrible by any means, I just find it as neither an efficient throw or flood, and to me it seems stuck in some mediocrety in-between.
Any help on finding a new optic would be much appreciated.
Where can i buy a driver for MF01 mini. Mine got busted when I erroneously inserted a copper heat sink.