Mike's Hard Mayonnaise

Okay, so all of a sudden there’s this new brand of mayo like alllllllll over the place. 30oz jars for 3bux, vs the usual 6bux/30oz for Hellmann’s/Kraft.

So I looked it up, and all the reviews, etc., seem so similar, all raving about it like it’s The Second Coming Of Mayo. Which’d be great, as I love mayo as much as the next guy. But it almost sounds like a PR campaign.

So anyone in The Real World ever try it? and how is it?

Just for s&g, I picked up 3 jars today, but I just cracked open a new jar 2-3 days ago, so don’t want to have 2 open jars parked in the fridge for too long. Worst case, I choke down a lotta tunyfish and eggsalad to use it up.

Unno, but any newcomers with names like Dave’s Krazy Bread, Pete’s Awesome Coffee, Joe’s Splendicular Salsa, etc., usually carry some price premium if they’re Oh So Good. So “half price” for mayo, while it appeals to the engineer in me, also kinda scares me.

Can’t comment on the mayo. But this unrelated Wild Mike’s Pizza is alright. Not great but alright.


I am Dave’s bread best customer.

No one has been able to unseat Hellmann’s. Miracle whip tried and failed.

I’ll stick with Dukes or Kewpie

I never knew I needed alcoholic mayo in my life.

amazing, not hard?
i can find MAM, but not MHM.

If you want really good mayo, go to Polish deli and try Winiary brand.

My fav for over 35 years. And as a hard user of mayo… You can trust me :grin:

1 Thank

Will look for it.

I want to see a picture of your Mike’s Hard Mayonnaise, or it is not real. Google search finds no credible images or actual products under that name.

I think this is it although I dont know where the hard part came from:

I was shocked when I read fairly recently that Kraft’s is the most popular nationwide, and Hellmann’s is relatively rare except in the NE. All I ever knew was Hellmann’s.

Tried Kraft only recently (the aforementioned just-opened jar), and it’s okay, like “deli mayo” which I’m sure is what they use.

Never tried Miracle Whip.

I did have recent eerie experiences with Hellmann’s, though. Okay, months ago, but “recent” vs “years ago”. Cracked open a new jar, made eggsalad, and it was just nasty. Thought maybe I used a bad egg or something. Choked it down as I was starving, didn’t croke, so figured all was good. Had some kind of samwich the next day, more eerie taste. Put 2’n’2 together and came up with “mayo”. Tasted it, and it tasted… “off”.

Checked the label, as maybe I mistakenly got a lo-fat/no-fat/Wo-Fat version, or some weirdo-oil version like canola or whatever’s supposta be “healthier”, but nope, plain generic standard Hellmann’s. Think I made it through ¼ of the jar before I gagged enough to say f’ it and just tossed the rest.

But then another jar was the same! Wtf?!? Checked the expiration dates, far off in the future. Overheated in storage at the store? No idea. Asked around if anyone had any “experiences” with it recently, nope.

Yep, did The Sniff Test, etc. No stank. Texture was “fluffy” as usual. Color was good. Just tasted blecch.

Next jars were okay. So… mystery. Could’ve been one of the weirdo varieties that got glopped into normal jars by mistake, who knows.

Oh, we all need it…

Uhh, yeah, that’s what I meant.

Thinking… I like my version better.

Low fat Mayonnaise is like diet coke or light beer. Total crapola.

1 Thank

Funny spelling, “MAH-yo-nez”, almost like the English pronunciation.

Here in the nabe, we always (mis?)pronounced it “MAH-yo-NYE-zeh”.

Good times… good times…

That’s the puppy!

Dukes is king of Mayo.
Even if it is alcohol free

1 Thank

Or decaf coffee. Like, what’s the point?

And after taking out the fat, they gotta replace it with something even nastier, like carrageenan, which does nasty things to your innards. Gotta make up the the texture and consistency somehow, so they use seaweed-glue to do it. Ecch.

That’s why I use real butter, real milk (organical milk which lasts nigh forever, vs regular milk which practically comes pre-soured) and ½&½, real sugar, real maple syrup, real honey, etc., whenever I can.

I get pist when I need something like yogurt (the 32oz buckets) or sour cream, and especially if on sale, all that’s left is the ratty lo-fat ones.

Fat really isn’t all that poisonous as it’s made out to be, as long as everything’s done in moderation.

Me too.

I always wonder how the expiration date on organic milk is three months out.