I need a light that can run at 1000 lumens sustained. I looked around and noticed Sofirn was having a sale. I thought I would try their HS41. Heres me 50c opinion of the light.
UI is frustrating. Have to click to turn on, then click-hold to cycle through 3 or the 5 lumen levels (why 3?). Then you have to double click once to get the next level which lasts 30 seconds and double click YET AGAIN to get the top level which lasts only 20 seconds.
What is the point of having levels that last 30 seconds?
Why hide the levels under 4 clicks?
So the spec chart shows impressive levels lasting hours (liars) and they only last seconds.
Always review runtime charts before buying any flashlight. The official spec is just cooked to the gills marketing data to make it look impressive. That’s 30 bucks wasted for learning this hard truth.
Always review runtime charts before buying any flashlight. The official spec is just cooked to the gills marketing data to make it look impressive. That’s 30 bucks wasted for learning this hard truth.
Yeah I learned my $28 dollar free shipping black friday impulse buy lesson.
I never buy a flashlight for the max lumens it can pump out. Across the board this has become a regular marketing hook. Sustained high lumens (below turbo) is the best judge of a capable flashlight.
3000+ lumens for 5~10 seconds just isn’t worth it. 1500 lumens sustained for 2~3 minutes? That I can deal with. But it all comes down to intended use. A headlamp should never be considered as a sustained long range thrower. It’s really more for close range illumination. And you don’t want it depleted within 10~20 minutes. For the kind of reflector/TIR required to get good throw, you’re going to exceed the form factor of a headlamp. Always best to rely upon a larger handheld format.