I know there is a bit of a mystery about where some members are or what may have happened. I’ll respond to it only because my name was brought up in the other thread. Why any of you would miss my provocative and juvenile sense of humor is beyond me, but…
The simple truth is that the video card went down on our iMac a month or two ago and when it came back from Apple after a quick repair, I never logged back on to BLF. In the past, I always stayed logged in automatically, so when I visited, it always registered me as being here. When the computer didn’t log in by itself, my lazy a$$ just checked out the recent posts anonymously and I went on about my day.
I still come here daily, so I haven’t been “missing”, just invisible. I am still buying flashlights I don’t need and I’m sure Santa will be bringing even more. I still enjoy y’all’s company even if I haven’t actively been a part of it. You guys probably needed a break from old Cone anyway.
As for the others, well, perhaps they too are still around and we just don’t realize it. There are enough of the ones I considered core members from my first year here missing that I do sometimes feel like I have to repeat 12th. grade and all the kids I’d known are gone. It is a little weird.
What I wouldn’t give to have edc ask a paisley for a picture and a phone number.
Personally, I think there is a super secret flashlight forum somewhere and none of us have been invited. Pretty sure that’s where all the cool kids have gone. JohnnyMac and O-L probably know where it is.
I hope you find your stockings are full of bright stuff on Christmas day and may we all find ourselves here again next year just as healthy and perhaps more prosperous than we are now.
Welcome back Cone, and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Sadly, we must face that this is after all only a hobby and many tire of it or reach the end of the trail with the mods. Simple truth is, until some new tech comes out, there’s only so much that can be done and it’s pretty much all been covered. Maybe not by everyone, but you know, it’s been done. If you work your tail off to drop 7 XM-L’s in a D Mag, nobody get’s excited anymore. Only 7? Speaking of 7 XM-L’s…Even the ever talkative diaper kid has been awol. What’s the name? Spare You? Something like that…
(jk, pls, no flames)
Get 7 MT-G2’s in one and perhaps emotions will be stirred, for a little while. Makes me wonder if it’s really about budget lights at all, or the cutting edge of modifying them into bada darkness elimination dragsters?
When Cree and Nichia and SSC break out of the molds and come out with some new stuff, the game will be on again.
Anyway, nice to see you’re still hanging around, drop in with some opinions sometime and help out some noobs.
Welcome back, Cone! Merry Christmas, too!! I've simply been more into vaping these days as the flashlight industry as a whole hasn't been very active lately. It seems all the cool lights and great innovations have already come out and things seem a little stagnant IMO.
I still hang around here myself, but am falling out of the flashlight hobby. More interested in budget LED light bulbs and such at the moment. A lot of this is caused by my move from a location out in the country into a residential neighborhood with street lights, neighbors, and no more wide opens spaces, woods full of wild animals, or sandy dirt full of creepy-crawly-scorpions to light up at night.
I have a couple of projects going on at the moment. I have a new (used) host and am trying to rebuild/improve my old aspheric thrower using an XP-E or an XP-G2, but not a lot of point in a neighborhood. I'm sure people down the block aren't interested in getting their windows hit with a sudden, concentrated beam of 100k+ lux cool-white light at 11:00 pm. (Yeah, I know, they're just weird I guess...)
I feel for you Keltex. In the next few years, I will likely be relocating from the country to suburbia in order to be closer to my and my wife's folks as they age. Other than camping, I can't see myself wanting to drive to a dark location in order to enjoy my lights. I imagine I will keep some of my collection in hopes of eventually retiring back out into the country. Also, there is that upcoming zombie apocalypse that the Mayan calendar got all wrong. Damn Mayans, last time I trust a calendar carved in stone.