Modern inexpensive ligths similar to Astrolux MF 01 Mini?

I came across the MF 01 Mini reviews and loved this light, looks like the perfect everyday light to have handy, and I liked the AUX leds in the main reflector, nice unique feature. But MF01 Mini is discontinued. Is there any current similar light, 26650 or 21700? Or maybe dual 21700.

Sofirn SP33S looks good, but it’s simpler, and I can’t find a review with performance measurements - a bit suspicious of the 5000 Lm figure, Sofirn is unfortunately known to exaggerate their numbers.
SP36 looks more or less similar in actual performance to the MF01m, and the price is awesome, but it’s just a bit too large. And again, lacks the cool look. Besides, I already have it, although upgrading to the new Pro version is tempting.

Firefly E07 FireflyLite E07 – Fireflylite outdoor

I got my E07 & MT07 / MF01 Mini at the same time. Pretty similar spec. The E07 or E07X are very similar.

Agree that’s probably the closest.

I also have both the MF01 and E07’s (4 of them). Definitely similar in performance, along with auxiliary leds. Now you can actually spec the design of your auxil’s with up to 6 colors I believe. I’ve ordered two with custom colors and love them. I attached some photos of my E07’s, one of these photos is of an E07 with green and purple auxil’s and the MF01 which has fixed green, purple, and pink. Looks beautiful in person. I’m not great at getting true to life photos.


Thanks! E07 is indeed very similar, a beautiful little light. But I don’t like that it performs below spec and only turbos for 15 seconds. I can understand 30, but 15 is just way too short, and on top of that it disregards user-configurable thermal limit. Unfortunate.

Special thanks for the photos of different AUX LED colors, Auxilshunter. They really should have such photos on their website.

There really aren’t any exact stand ins for the mf01 mini. This light is still available as the Mateminco MT07 on AE, but it’s pretty expensive. It has a decently regulated driver (fet+7135 up to 2.2 amps regulated) whereas the E07 is only regulated to I think 1 amp? I have both, but prefer the Mf01 Mini. I have the 6500k sst20 and get 7100 lumens on a 30T.

Well guys, you’ve sent me down a rabbit hole of discovering new flashlight models! Mateminco MT07 is a nice light and the price is OK if it wasn’t for the green tint, but Mateminco has some other interesting lights, especially the MT04 - sadly no aux LEDs, but the output is crazy for the form-factor (and the price is alright, at least until Sofirn can make a 12k Lm version of SP36 for $50).