Modified Lights For Sale (10 for sale)(5 left)

Take $5 off of the listed prices for the remaining lights. (new prices listed in original post) I’ll offer an additional discount via PM if anyone buys 2. Prices would still include USPS Priority shipping anywhere in the continental US, international shipping is actual cost -$10.

I’m looking to clear space in my “finished lights toolbox” so I can make some more.

New prices are up, some of the price drops are significant. Thanks guys.

I just received #8 from Henry,it has a nice bright beam with a pleasant neutral temp,terrific little light.

I’m glad you like it!

Two more lights shipped this morning. Down to 5. Once a couple more sell I’ll close this thread and be posting some more lights I’ve been working on in a new for sale thread. Thanks again for those who bought lights already.

Both lights arrived today and are entirely as expected.

Nice and bright and very well modified.

Thanks Henry,


As a follow up I just want to say I had an issue with my light,Henry bent over backwards to come up with a solution that worked for me,would not hesitate buying another flashlight off him.Thanks :slight_smile: