Sounds like media hype before announcing a new can design for “Christian Monster Energy Drink” or even a new company name now that they are partly owned by Coca Cola.
Remember the Proctor and Gamble “satanic logo” … hehe … always someone seeing something somewhere …
Well…. I didn’t think it wasn’t possible but I just lost more respect for people.
You know, that and the myth about Proctor and Gamble appearing on Oprah to verbally support the Church of Satan was a myth that cost P&G billions over a period of many years. I remember getting one such message in my inbox in 1998. Just goes to show how destructive hearsay and religious idiocy go.
Unless they are “diet” energy drinks most use corn syrup as the sweetener as it is CHEAP. If it is considered an artificial sweetener and undesirable then you had better quit eating any processed food as it has become ubiquitous in commercial sweetened products due to being the cheap choice. In Reno Mexican Coca Cola in bottles is sold at a huge premium as it is still sugar sweetened.
Well yes they do contain HFCs, but that wasn’t what I was referring to. If you look at the Monster drinks, at least the ones they seem to carry around here, most flavors have sucralose, and acetasulfame potassium. Its actually the same way with Rockstar, but Rockstar classic doesn’t have those two (but does have HFCs I think), I do drink Rockstars occasionally. I do appreciate sugar over HFCs but when I want a surge of caffeine, that’s not really an option.
Oh for crying out loud
Is B12 (one of the main vitamins in these energy drinks) is “Da Debbil”
I’m a Christian and claiming a “drink” is satanic, that’s just stupid
Oh and you can buy caffeine and B12 concentrate in bulk didn’cha know?
I’m gonna buy a bunch of this…make a can with a cross on it and call it “Jesus juice” and everyone will be happy…especially on Sunday…jeez
Actually I’m a Pentecostal Christian (I have a hard time with the baptist format where just standing there singing hymn and very low strung praise…too tame)…and yes…we DO have pew jumping hand waving total scripture teaching, fire and brimstone sermons…a little energy drink would make it REALLY interesting for sure
Lord knows we need to get a fire lit under some of these Christians in this nation
P.S. Politics and Religion are hot buttons…something this forum is good at NOT involving a community about flashlights…
Of course it’s true! everything has a hidden meaning.
Take BLF , it’s not the Budget light forum, it’s really the Beelzebub lives forum
Why do you think we need all these torches, it’s dark down there
And you don’t even want to know what CPF really stands for
Your now reading that on the Internet so it must be true
Pleaseeeee, do people really fall for this cr*p
Well, if this is true, I better start drinking more monster :Sp
I’m more a mountain dew guy, it’s finally getting a bit more popularity in my country, and I hope 2L bottles will be introduced, but I think that’s a longshot.
I was in the supermarket the other day and picked a can up. Man a troll made these cans- if you tip the can up to your mouth the upside down cross is right on your forehead
I dunno why people are so mad… It’s obvious to anyone with common sense that’s what the graphic designer had in mind. I like the drink but I won’t be having any of that. Call it superstition hoopla whatever- I’d rather not go there. We only live a short time and if I’m going to be marked by a soda can lol forget that
Hey war I love penecostals to be honest. I would become one if it wasn’t for the wife. She got scared when I took her to the local church and it got out of control. Love it My cousin was a penecostal preacher at one time. Electrician nowdays, but man nicest people best kids ever.
Monster is evil
soon the demon will arise
from energy drinks
Enjoy a Monster!
Satan is coming today!
crawling from the can.
Caffeine from Monster
is the source of all evil
darkness shall descend
I like cold Monster
It is my favorite drink!
Now satan is here?
Monster is quite good
It is extra demon filled
Better than Rockstar...
good and evil exist only in the minds of humans
very little of anything except crrrrrrrrrrrrrazy exists in the mind of anyone that thinks monster drinks are satanic
OK, maybe it is demonic if it makes you believe its better than Rockstar
Its too late for Olight, they have been drinking Monsters, their new light description as proof: “Possession of a frightened mind, having left another try again, imitation eagle pecking seeking regeneration broken, bent just to explore the distance. M2X-UT is a long-range paranoia in the hands of the killer.”
lmfao - please link that so I can make it my FB status
Ah I just copied the Google translate of their page AlexGT posted from another thread for fun, Monster = satanic is srs business ya know, I found “evidence”, since there is a “possession” and all
BTW show me any where in the bible that an upside-down cross is said to be satanic. That is a modern convention so far as I know. After all according to Catholic Church tradition St. Peter asked to be crucified on an upside down cross, stating that he was unworthy to die the same way as Christ did. Does that make him a satanist per this total BS modern belief?
And by the way, for the fundamentalists out there. Why do you ignore the approximate 900 other commandments of the old testament you claim to believe every word of? You certainly ignore virtually all of the dietary and sabbath restrictions followed by Orthodox Jews for example. Seems like if you really claim to believe in the literal interpretation of the bible you are being highly selective about the parts that you want to follow, including Pi being equal to 3! I do not want to be in anything designed by an engineer who thinks Pi = 3, thank you very much. In other words you are hypocrites.
Yeah I’m just sayin… the design is not coincidence if you believe in that stuff. I just don’t buy the designer was clueless when he did it
Ah Jack you mason :bigsmile: