Monster Energy Drinks Satanic?

I used to drink these like crazy back in the day… I went to Michigan recently and my sister told me they were satanic. I didn’t think nothing of it and her husband had to switch to Rockstar lol

Then I see this video on youtube

I dunno what you all think? I used to like monster but if it’s satanic, I might have to boycott just on principle :slight_smile:

Of course the irony is the youtube comment section…

Are they made out of real demons? :party:

Reminds me of this


Wow, I wouldn’t have drunk those unhealthy things ever, but hearing it’s satanic I might reconsider :bigsmile:

She has way too much time on her hands… :Sp

I’ve tried redbull once, and that was 6 years ago, This whole energy drink ingredients linked to numerous other heart diseases , you are working your heart out when all it needs from you is to lie down and sleep it off.

Get heart palpitations :bigsmile:

I liked monster cause it was cheap. Oh well, she does kind of have a point on the marketing. When I do have one it’s usually monster

Energy drinks like this beat the crap out of coffee if you’re night driving, feel drowsy and don’t have time for a nap… Otherwise I never drink them.

But she’s doing good advertisement for them. These kind of “revelations” usually just help sell more of what ever they’re trying to stop.

I hope they are.

If you watch the video she clearly says the lines in the m are separated…

She may need a sip of that to wake up and open her eyes.

Are energy drinks the nectar of the devil? Maybe, but it’s sweet swe… Hold on heart stopped… Sweet goodness when you need it.

...all with less caffeine than a cup of coffee... and flavor that I can actully enjoy!

don’t think much of it. I don’t think they are 666 but just claw marks. Remember those shoes that had the arabic letters for god back in the 90s?

more on this: Finding Allah in Unlikely Places :: Daniel Pipes


Energy drinks are full of sugar and will make you fat, hyper, diabetic, ugly and their use is STUPID but “the work of the devil” is BS IMO. First you have to believe in the devil to believe that BS. As someone who is skeptical, gay, agnostic closing on atheist and a disbeliever in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Aliens visiting Earth (ancient or otherwise), ghosts, Nostradamus predictions and other stupidities for the gullible featured on TV and the internet; this whole thing is RIDICULOUS.

As I have been saying for a long time, show me the evidence dummies. As far as legendary monsters and ghosts go people have spent millions looking and have not shown anything exists. As for religion, the less said the better IMO.

Sorry for the rant but to me even posting about this BS is STUPID and as it reflects on the gullibility of too many people and I find it both sad and disturbing. Our schools should include teaching rational thought and skepticism.

BTW Coca Cola now owns 14% of Monster Energy and is a very respected business which has long supported the Olympics and college scholarships. IMO NO sugary soft drink is good for you but to make claims like the web poster is idiotic.

Yea probably as dumb as the bible codes, err I mean Jewish crossword puzzle generator using the bible. On a real note:

<-Is sipping the third espresso of the day.

Energy drinks are not satanic, or evil. They are simply business ventures. Nothing more, nothing less.

That said, if you look at the contents, what you're really getting a combination sugar and caffeine rush, with some chemicals that may or may not to anything. The quantity of sugar alone makes drinking these a bad idea imo. If you want caffeine, stick to coffee, or tea, or even caffeine pills.

Religious fanatics are so funny!

I drink Rockstar Punched Zero. No calories, plenty of stimulation and taste. But I do it sparingly, like maybe once a month. That much caffeine messes with my system big time.

I agree with the video. I am a Christian and I am not ignorant of what the devil is doing. The old saying goes (the devil is in the detail) now you just have to learn to see the detail. If you call yourself a Christian you have to believe in the devil and understand his roll here on earth. Anyway how about a triple XPL on noctigon!!!

“When you drink it the cross goes upside down”

So monster should invert the cross so when you drink it you praise the Lord?

About like all of the pseudo masonic symbology claimed for the dollar bill design back side and also claimed to date back to the founding fathers. National issue paper money was not even designed until about the time of the Civil war. The current design of the obverse of the dollar bill was not designed until some time after 1928 as shown by the photos of various age dollar bills in the Wikipedia article on the dollar bill history.

Before believing ANYTHING on the internet, investigate for yourself. BE SKEPTICAL. Just because someone says it does not make it true.

So it says below the video that the company Jukin Media is involved. They do publicity.

e.g. this:

Three million views since yesterday. I guess Monster are getting their money’s worth on this one.

caffein and sugar: a can of redbull equals a mug of coffee and three or four small cookies I am old fashioned going with the latter