Moving to a foreign country?

Yup, USA is at number 20, and China is at number 23. If you moved to China, you wouldn’t have to wait a month every time you order a flashlight. :slight_smile:

Something has to be wrong with that list is the freest country in the world is #20 and Communist China is #23

The list is prefaced with the statement, “Beyond the essential ideas of broad access to food and housing, to quality education and health care, to employment that will sustain us, quality of life may also include intangibles such as job security, political stability, individual freedom and environmental quality.” There is a considerable amount of text following that which describes the method and criteria used to form the list.

“The United States ranks No. 20, down five spots from last year, by survey respondents for providing a good quality of life. Even though it placed No. 4 for its job market, the country placed No. 51 for affordability.”

Make no mistake. Freedom is not free.

What does the incarceration rate have anything to do with the quality of life? If you can get a job, buy a house, make a decent living not to mention practice the religion of your choice, what else matters. In other countries, they will cut your head off if you don’t practice the religion the government tells you to practice.

How many people emigrate to this country vs other countries. This is the tell tale sign of where people want to be. Don’t take my word for it, look at the numbers. Look down south where thousands of people are crossing the border. There are paid child smugglers advertising on Facebook. $10,000 per child is the going rate. Google it, don’t take my word for it.

The USA is known as the land of opportunity. I did not make up the name. The millions of people that fled tyranny and came to the US made the phrase.

Amen & well said!! :white_check_mark:

10kbux a pop? Damn. Looks like I made the wrong career choice…

"Hello, I am your coyote for today's trip, and feel free to call me Lightbringer."

I figure get one of those Thule cargo-carriers on the roof of a car, pack 1-2 in there with some snacks, then drive back.


Someone should tell Simon and Hank of the new business opportunity.

Seriously, it’s sad.

In recent years, Germany has been accepting almost as many immigrants per year as US. Considering that Germany’s population is only about a quarter of US population, I’d say proportionately they accept more.

Sure, because crossing a land border is still easier than trying to swim across the Atlantic or the Pacific. :slight_smile:

Things change. The US may have been the land of opportunity way back when. Today this isn’t as clear cut, at least for me. But is it bad enough to get up and leave? Of course not.

The rate of incarceration in the US has more than quadrupled in the last 40 years. Nearly 1 out of every 100 adults are in prison or jail, which is 5 to 10 times higher than the rates in Western Europe and other democracies.

I believe that statistic says a lot about the quality of life or lack of it, maybe more in some certain demographic(s).

Roman empire also was best plase in the world, but finaly dissapear.

“I believe that statistic says a lot about the quality of life or lack of it……”

Then why are you living in NM vs Canucksville? Or anywhere else if that ONE stat blanket disparages the U.S. in total? Quality of life is watt YOU make it to be. Very individualistic, subjective, and certainly not blanket applicable. You don’t like it ya can leave. The borders are still not sealed here cuz someone decrees they must be.

Remember East Berlin? I do. Cuz I walked across that border and I walked back across. Butt the peeps that lived there sure didn’t have that luxury, right?

Well they did have that luxury except for the fact they tended to get shot if they tried. Mind you this was Germany in 1982 as a once unified modernized nation not Botswana.

We have problems, some big, and some come with caveats as to the real reasons behind them. Selective blanket condemnations upon other non-dictatorial nations doesn’t work either. GRAD:

Why would I move when that’s the case? I’m here and as of yet I see no compelling big enuff reason (yet) to then have to deal with another nation’s underlying big problems as well.
They tend to often prevalently surface as most eventually do if not honestly dealt with.

There is no paradise on earth.

There is no utopia except ultimately watts in your mind.

There is no free lunch.

Everything has its price.

And everything is always changing.

George Carlin had a realistic view about USA. Nailed it.

Yep, George Carlin is brilliant.

(A lot of comedians tell it like it is.)

I agree with zoulas… what does it have to do with the quality of life??

Don’t blame criminal activity on lack of opportunity. There is plenty of “opportunity” for any & all citizens in America.
Sadly, non-citizens also.
BUT… there are LEGAL channels to US Citizenship.

Blame the incarceration rate on personal choices made by criminals.

Stop blaming a criminals choice on any & everything but the real problem. The “real problem” being choices made.

Life is about personal responsibility… be responsible for the choices you make.

Of course the Welfare State created & perpetrated by certain people in our government has harmed “personal responsibility” greatly. It has created a very large group of parasites with a goal no greater than living off the government teat.

THAT…. is pitifully sad. :white_check_mark:

Great, another thread that’s about to get shut down…

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Are you serious MoreLumens??? You are trying to compare Apples to Peanuts. :person_facepalming:

Imagine that…. :white_check_mark: :frowning: