August 8, 2018, 9:32pm
Richard is about to be flooded with boost driver orders once he lists them in stock
Is there a reference you guys use to determine the proper output for XHP and MT-G2 LED’s. I mean, is there a good output to heat chart for each that shows how many amps it would take to blow an emitter?
I don’t want to be selecting 4.2 amps for a XHP50.2 when it can’t handle it. While I wouldn’t want 1A if it can really handle 4.0A either.
Check out these examples and look in each of their signatures. I like each member for different information so you should decide for yourself but they basically all test LEDs till they are almost or completely dead.
[image] [image]
A new generation of XHP50 from Cree, they called it XHP50.2 . The appearance of the led is in line with several other recently updated Cree leds, with rougher phosfor layer that is applied differently. Let's test it.
I bought two XHP50.2 leds from Kaidomain, of which the J4 3A bin is tested here, so a neutral 5000K tint. The J4 output bin is the highest bin in the datasheet, both for XHP50 and XHP50.2, but at this moment Cutter sells XHP50.2 leds in K2 bin (as often hap…
LED test / review
Cree XLamp XHP70.2
P2 40E, XHP70B-01-0000-0D0BP240E
UPDATE --- 06/24/18 --- raw data added! (link )
Originally, this (my) test was posted in the English forum of the German Taschenlampen-Forum (TLF). To give you the oppertunity to discuss about this emitter in this forum, I will also publish this test here.
I hope this report is helpful for all of those who want to build some lights with this really big LED.
The XHP70.2 be…
See the title, it is another test. do I really need to explain this everytime? I abuse an LED and see what it does, same as all the rest of my victims subjects.
Thanks to CRX for donation.
Well, you have seen the XP-L HD test, so here is the HI. It tracks exactly the same as expected, just less output from the lower bin. I could have kept pushing it harder but I saw no reason to blow it.
The numbers could be a tad low in the high end as my heatsink fan is messed up and I had to rig something …