What are the current limitations on LED flashlights? Appears to me they are power density in batteries and LED efficiency which affects both heat generation and dissipation for LEDs.
For the batteries we need both greater power storage density and greater safety it looks like. Already a shorted unprotected Lithium Ion battery is practically a bomb if contained and a flare if it is not. And too easy to damage badly if over discharged so the next charge can cause nasty problems from what I read. As power storage density increases I see the potential for this getting even worse.
As for the heat, look at the limited maximum output times for some of Richard’s lights as an example. One thing I particularly noted in the CPF testers test of the TK75 was that even with it’s high output level the tester kept it in Turbo by resetting it every 20 minutes for full battery life without burning it up. I found that impressive.
Saying we may disappear as modders is like saying you can’t improve a Corvette. Might be getting more and more difficult, but still doable.
There are things the manufacturer simply can’t do because of liability issue. While we, the individual end user, can be as reckless or daring as we care to be.
Might be interesting if we could find out what R&D has turned up in the manufacturers labs, that they’re not producing or talking about…
I was reluctant to mod my SRK, because it’s one of the few actually made by Skyray. However, it wasn’t getting much use since the stock design has terrible modes. Now it’s no longer pristine, but it’s a lot more useful.
What’s going on with MT-G2? Out of stock. I’ve searched everywhere, and there are none to be found. I’ve got parts to order, but without MT-G2, it’s pointless.
Is this the harbinger to the end of times.
I just ordered some 4000K, 5000K have been out of stock and I haven't been able to get any. The P0 5000k is being replaced with a higher binned version, but it will still be a few weeks before I see those (the 5000k.)
I wish the moonlight mode on my 6x SRK was that low. I wonder if I got an older firmware. If Richard adds a long click to off, maybe he'll send me the binary so I can update my drivers. You're right, high is blinding, and I wasn't even using low resistance batteries.
It's a different driver design between the SRK and the M6. Peak power is very similar, but the lower modes can be much lower with the M6. Your SRK is as low as it can go without adding an inductor and flyback diode.
I don't know how many lumens, I didn't measure it but it is as low as the driver can switch that FET. An M6 is the lowest I've seen, although you can add an inductor and flyback diode to that driver and get it really close, but that can add to PWM noise and make peak output a bit less efficient.
I guess I should have had you do the mod to my M6. Can I send you its driver to make it like DBCstm's, except with the hold to turn off function you're working on? Then I'll put that into my CNQ SRK, keep the driver in the modded SRK clone you made for me like it is, and put the BLFDD SRK FET driver in the M6.
a question about three channel driver boards. All three of my leds are at different levels. Two are close but one is noticeably dimmer. This is in the first 5 modes but just too bright in the brightest modes to tell.
My other light is paralleled with all 4 looking about the same so not sure if the three channels drivers are a pain to balance.
I note that you are currently out of stock on over half of the light models that you list. You cannot sell what you do not have. Any estimate of when you will have more in? Interested in the Small Sun ZY-T08 and the DQG EDC Triple XP-G2 26650 Flashlight.
Yes, that is normal at the lower drive levels. The PWM signal is so low that it doesn't equally saturate all of the FETs at the lower levels. Nothing to worry about.
The S3 EDC is "out of stock" because I don't have time right now to build more, same thing with the Super XinTD (plenty of parts for those.) I have 20 Small Suns sitting here, but I'm not happy at all with the new reflector so I'm not selling them until I get the replacements in (those who thought they knew better demanded an aluminum reflector when the plastic one it had was already good.) I'm not sure whether or not I'll be getting more of the DQGs, sales of them really slowed down towards the end and they are a labor intensive light for how much I make on them (lots of time shaving down 18650 spacer tubes, checking for function, etc.)